Random Saturday thoughts

Dec 10, 2011 15:22

I finally cleaned my car yesterday. It hadn't been cleaned all this year and the dirt in it... my goodness. I even shampooed all the car seats, as well as getting off this odd mark on the back seat. When it was coming off I swear the colour looked like Coca-Cola - it had that same yucky brown appearance - but we don't drink that. Odd.

I'm also loving how Civilization V has improved upon its predecessor. I mean, you do expect a game later in the series to be better and play upon its strengths, but that's not always the case. The Pacific Island scenario is a little hard given how the island are often only three or so pentagons.

I'm sad that we have to wait until January to see the next episode of Bones and then it goes on a longer hiatus. I've really been enjoying Bones lately given its new direction.

Speaking of things I love, X-Men Big Bang is glorious. GLORIOUS. I've so far read, um, three fics from it, I think. I just finished the very long The Prodigal Son, a very well developed mpreg fic with a bittersweet ending. It has kind of made me feel a little down, but it certainly makes for a satisfying read. I'll be putting it in my next recs post - maybe this will warrant an Amsie Recs X-Men Big Bang edition.
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