Being thankful

Nov 29, 2011 21:38

I wanted to post this last night, but lj wasn't working. Here goes.

Not so good with the regular updating, it seems. I've been doing more with Mum lately (namely, putting up her Christmas decorations), so I've just come home and not participated much on lj. I am now able to check lj all the time with my new (and first!) smartphone - Song Ericsson Xperia Arc. It is such an awesome phone and totally my new favourite toy.

Thank you all for the congratulations about my uni results! I still can't believe it! Really, law-wise, it has been a fantastic year for me. I know we all often complain about things in life and don't take a moment to chill and think about how things have gone well, so I really need to take my moment and just count my blessings for having a lucky year. Things that have gone right this year:
. Dean's List for both semesters!
. Family law work experience with a local community legal centre.
. Criminal, family, and civil law work experience with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal centre.
. My paid paralegal job with the homeless clinic, which just suits me down to the ground. I love my independence there and the fact they encourage my initiative. I also don't mind being the only staff member in Toowoomba and communicating with everyone else via email. Basically: I love my job.
. Been on student/staff committees - and did I mention I'm the 2012 Treasurer for the Law Society?

I don't mean to boast, but I want to write it down and remember how much I have to be thankful for (given the way I'm going with this post, maybe I should have celebrated Thanksgiving!).

Thank you everyone for all the support throughout the year - especially with my uni and my mum issue.

Anyway, MOVING ON.

Steam, the online gaming site, has a ton of deals at the moment (maybe due to US Black Friday?). I picked up Civilization 5 for $30, Children of the Nile (Egyptian citybuilding game) for $3.12 (crazy!), and Patrician IV (Hansa trading game) for $15. That warranted a clean out of my machine to make room for them. I played Civilization 5 last night and my computer overheated. This happened in late 2009, so it was obviously time for an interior clean out. I shudder to think how much dust and dirt was inside my machine. I can clean desktops myself, but I feel more comfortable taking my laptop to a professional because it's all so fiddly. I'd hate myself if I messed it up. I took it to the same company that cleaned my laptop last time (oh hey, I just noticed they cleaned my keyboard this time! Yes, I was grumbly it wasn't done last time!) and they called me back within four hours. I was stunned because how does that sort of service *exist* anymore? Gosh, have they improved in the two years since I've used them. And they now text you when it's done with the bill.

With the clean out, my computer is running at almost 20 degrees cooler. 20 degrees.

I always keep my laptop up off the desk so it gets some air but I've taken it another step and got myself a CoolerMaster Notepal U2 Cooling Pad. I understand CoolerMaster is well known and reputable in the US, but oddly it's not sold widely in Australia. I have another one of their products and it works well, so I've committed some brand loyalty. So now in the Queensland summer hopefully that'll keep the temp down - not that I'd play a game in the middle of the day due to the heat.

I'm just so happy my computer is back working awesome and letting me play Civilization 5. I realised the other day that my old girl is coming up four years old. Given her reliability, I'm definitely buying a Toshiba again. Toshiba has earned serious points with me.
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