Okay, back to regular updating now! I've caught up on all my post-exam sleep. The last exam went quite well, so I was left feeling satisfied with myself at the end of the semester. I'll know my results on November 25th :).
I was an ever so naughty Amsie because I'd been thinking about having my first smaller pet - smaller than a dog, that is. After seeing Ratatouille, I wanted a mouse or a rat but my grandmother and mother couldn't stand the idea of having to take care or be around rodents so I put the idea on the backburner. On Sunday my grandmother and I went to the local PCYC markets in the city centre and sitting in a cage we saw guinea pigs. They'd been bred from the stallowner's family guinea pigs and were seven weeks old. Two females and a male. I know that mice and rats are social creatures and do not do well without their own kind, so we thought - having never had guinea pigs in the family - that they would be the same, so we opted for the two little girls.
We've named them Eleanor and Evylen, but since those don't sound like guinea pig names, they are Ellie and Eva for short (Eva is from Wall-E :D). I love how they eat all sorts of veggies - their favourites so far are celery, carrots, and corn. We're going to be growing herbs for them in the back garden.
I'm holding them. They are *tiny*. My hands aren't good for comparison since I have naturally small hands.
This is Ellie - she has the little brown face.
And this is Eva, with the mostly white/brown (with a little patch of black over one of her eyes!) face and brown on her bottom.
Since we've never had guinea pigs before, we're still working everything out and delighting in the little sounds they make. They both like to make little fighting squeaks at each other over getting the best position on our laps.
Dakota is dead scared of them, especially when they move. She's interested in looking in their cage and sniffing from far away, but that's about it, which is probably just as well. Whiskey, our cat, just figures it's more pets to tolerate.