Here is an awesome pimp post for V made by
darkeyedwolf. It's SO ACCURATE. I quote:
Let me just say it outright. V is not a good show. It's silly, illogical, full of plot holes the size of meteors, and the entire thing has this skeevy right-wing subtext like if Fox News made a show about aliens. It's about magically-drug-addicted lizards who land on Earth and quickly maneuver into power... by being nice. And only torturing people in private. They win the devotion of the entire world and only a small band of paranoid fear-mongering terrorists can bring them down! Those are the heroes, by the way.
But then V can bring the awesome! (namely, awesome female characters, Joshua (!!), Hobbes's arms!). So if you were doubtful about V, check out the post. If you tried the first few eps of V and didn't like it, try ep 5 and beyond. They changed showrunners and some of the writers, so the story got better.
Speaking of V, allow me to pimp out
v_lims. I'm over there participating in the second round :D. *looks toward oba*