Respect? Like not.

Sep 24, 2006 00:38

Well, I've been working at Sears for the past few weeks and I really like it. But, like everything else in retail, the Christmas season is coming up. That's the worst time ever for retailers, since the customers want everything and they want it all quickly. Christmas season is the worst time ever. I do not look forward to working the day after my birthday which coincidently is the day after Thanksgiving. But people in retail refer to it as Black Friday. People are already becoming very frustrated and they don't have any patience. Just the other day, a guy came in to pay his Sears card. I barely got the register open and the guy took the receipt and left. He was such an asshole. And today, I was scanning this lady's bookshelf box or whatever, and it broke two of the registers. She kept asking if she could have it for free or if she could just give the money so that she could leave. THEN SHE SAID THAT SHE HAD ALREADY BOUGHT IT. Whatever.

I feel like ranting, so I apologize for my lengthy post.

A recent arguement between someone I adore and their adult figure has brought some thoughts to me. If you're told that you do not have a social life whatsoever, and yet they have someone they may call "boyfriend/girlfriend." Is that really a part of the social life, or is it a different aspect altogether? I think it's the same thing as have a social life. It's a subsection of social, since you need to be social to have a boyfriend/girlfriend, otherwise you'd get nowhere, right? Like for me, I'm completely anti-social these days and I do not like talking to people I don't know, but I have a boyfriend. I'm only social with a small group of people these days, whom I will refer to by a set of nicknames. Que the oddly haired colored friend, Uke the ukelele player, Mork the cripple,Mosh the geek, and Knighto the boyfriend. So I don't know what I'm going to do.

And another subject that was recently brought up by Mork, love. Mork was recently dumped by his girlfriend the short asian girl. He would constantly say how much he loved her, but now since they are broken up he keeps hitting on me wanting me to break up with my boyfriend. I doubt that's really going to happen, though. I noticed he only is in love with me when he is single. He knows how I feel, and likes to rely on that to manipulate. I don't know, though. It's so hard to decide. I'm only a high schooler, so I believe that I should not worry about love right now. Even though I'm a hypocrite what I just said. I love my boyfriend very much, and I care insanely much about him, but if it doesn't work out, it's not the end of the world. I won't die alone. But tell that to Que, since all he believes is that he'll die alone since all he wants is me, and I don't feel the same towards him. I don't need to worry that I'll die alone until I'm 40 years old and still not married. I have years.

Teenagers need to move on with their lives, love is not everything in the world. Relationships aren't important, they just make the experience better. Besides, most marriages of high school sweethearts don't work out. So why would I worry? Mork's girlfriend asked the simple question, "Can I see myself spending the rest of my life with that person?" and obviously she said no. But,if it's high school why would you need to be asking that question anyway? Ugh, people never understand anyway.

Over and out.

relationships, rants, work

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