(no subject)

Feb 28, 2015 11:26

Well now, I haven't posted here in an age.  I've been putting all my writing at silverflameart.com-- and I've been writing quite a bit lately.  The blog is turning into a bit of a treatise on pagan living as well as being my artistic and creative dumping ground.

Honestly, not much is happening in my life that doesn't involve work.  I've been pretty steady with commissions since I started up again, which is interesting to me since a year ago I couldn't even give my work away for free!  It's like the dam broke.  I'm all for it.  Still starting slow, but I'm looking for it to steadily pick up.

I've picked up a side project in Beyond Flatland again.  I tried to let it die at the end of last year, but it's something I just couldn't shake, so I rebuilt it on a different platform.  This, too, feels different than it did last year-- it feels like the energy is flowing, rather than being blocked, like it's starting to come alive even though there are only a handful of users.  Even the site itself seems to have shaken off the issues it had last year; it's working perfectly, whereas before something kept breaking every time I turned around.  Yes, that's partly due to the change of platform to one more suited to the community-oriented site I'm working toward, but even so, it's just one more thing that falls into place.  I'm not sure it should have a large user base, to be honest.  What I'm trying to do with it is a sort of focused magic, about connection and creation and multi-dimensionality, using imagination as a catalyst.  The people who should be there will make their way there.

I'm wondering if I should just delete the silverflameart community here, since it's only got a handful of followers, and use this LJ to post updates about the main site, links to fiction and articles, art, etc.  The community doesn't really have many followers, and I think I'd reach more people by using my LJ.  Eh, maybe I'll just leave it up in case it suddenly starts picking up.  I'll do most of my updates here, though.
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