Guardians of the Galaxy: a theory

Sep 14, 2014 16:09

Last night my in-laws were visiting, and they very kindly looked after the offspring so that my husband and I could go see Guardians of the Galaxy (second time seeing it for each of us, but first time seeing it together).

Anyway, it was fun, and Rocket and Groot still stole the show the second time around, but what I want to post about is the awesome and CLEARLY DEFINITELY TRUE hypothesis that Mr. Shadowscast and I came up with afterwards.

We think that Peter Quill's father is ... drumroll ... LOKI!

Here's our supporting evidence (based on the movies only; I know nothing of the Guardians comics, and Mr. Shadowscast knows only slightly more than nothing):

1) At the end of the movie, the Nova Corps people tell Peter that their scans indicate that his father wasn't human, but was, rather, some sort of ancient being.

Loki is an ancient being!

2) Peter's mother describes his father as an "angel" and a "being of pure light."

Loki absolutely has the ability to look that way. Also, if she saw him arriving or leaving via the Bifrost, there would have been a light show contributing to that effect.

3) Yondu (the Ravager who raised Peter after taking him from Earth), describes Peter's father as, if I'm remembering the quote correctly, an A-hole.

Yep. Loki can certainly be an A-hole.

4) Peter shows extraordinary resistance to freezing to death in space. His face ices over while he's hanging out in hard vacuum with Gamora, but the instant he's pulled into Yondu's ship, he's absolutely fine and his skin is back to normal.

Being half Jotun would definitely help with that, right? It would probably help protect him from the decompression, too.

I mean, okay, we raise some questions here. If he's half Jotun, why does he look fully human? My answer is to mumble "Odin's spell," and "magic," and wave my hands. Loki looks human too, after all.


So that's the evidence we've found in the text. There are a couple of meta-textual reasons we think this might be true, as well.

5) Guardians is set in the same fictional universe as The Avengers and the other related movies, but its connection to the others is so far fairly tenuous. Revealing somebody we've already met in the other movies to be Peter Quill's father would give Guardians a stronger tie with the other stories. Of everyone we've met so far, Loki seems to us to be the best candidate, because of reasons 1 - 4 above, plus the fact that he's already had some dealings with two characters who did appear in Guardians: Thanos (obviously) and the Collector (less obviously and less definitively; at the very end of Thor: The Dark World, Sif and Volstagg deliver the Aether to the Collector, and since Loki is already impersonating Odin by then, one might assume they're actually acting on Loki's orders).

6) It would be awesome. Right? It would give Loki something to do besides coming up with crazy villainous plots and then watching them fall apart. It would kick both Loki and Peter right in the daddy issues, which always makes for some nice conflict. And Thor would be Starlord's uncle!

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