A new Once A Thief vid (and it's delightful!)

Oct 05, 2011 20:45

So I never post anymore (you may have noticed). But this, this was worth breaking radio silence for:
fan_eunice has posted a Once A Thief vid! It's fun and it's bouncy and it's fun!

Girls Just Want To Have Fun

Once A Thief, if you don't know, is a Canadian TV show that aired for one season back in 1997. It was based on a John Woo movie of the same name, and in fact the show pilot was a remake of the movie (with somewhat different characters and plot). The main characters are secret agents working for a Shadowy Government Agency. They fight evil with martial arts. The show is campy, uneven, delightfully slashy, and does not take itself very seriously at all except for when it does.

The full series aired in Canada and Australia but never, I think, in the United States. One of the agents was played by Nicholas Lea, who also played Krycek in the X-Files, and most of the fannish interest arrived via X-Files fandom. In fact I think I may be the only person in the entire world who got into fandom via Once A Thief as opposed to vice versa.

I saw bits and pieces of the series during its original run on broadcast. I liked the show very much, but had no way to catch the episodes I'd missed. These were ye olden days; I didn't even own a VCR. Watching the show, I was convinced that before every single scene, the director told all of the actors "and by the way, you secretly want to have sex with each other." It was THAT SLASHY. Except I didn't know what slash was yet. But when searching the still-relatively-young internet for episode summaries (I mean, I was probably searching with Alta Vista, folks), I stumbled across a fic about the two male leads having sex while hiding in a closet.

I was like ... OH. WOW. So I'm not the only one who thought they were totally hot for each other!

And thus I discovered fanfic. And slash. Which I didn't even realize weren't synonymous until years later when I jumped into That '70s Show fandom (a weird and brief blip between my Once A Thief and my Buffyverse stages).

Sadly, it was a very hard fandom to pimp, since barely anyone had seen the show and it wasn't out on DVD. I had a set of episodes on VHS tapes via the old-fashioned fannish copy-and-snailmail network; I also in fannish desperation paid $40 at one point for a set of DVDs that had been *ahem* pirated off of TV by some guy.

But now things have changed! The DVDs have finally been released! (They came out in June of this year; I only heard about it a couple of weeks ago and I now have my box set sitting on my desk, yippeee!)

And ... a vid! Have you watched it yet? You should go and watch it and comment, too! :-D

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once a thief

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