Mar 20, 2005 14:06
You know, I really was going to change my icon, but Joaquin is just so....soooo....addictive!!!!
I love his eyes. He's one of those guys who looks like he's wearing eyeliner when he isn't. (But he might be, for all I know.) So sexy..
I hope mom'll take me out to DSW today. -contented sigh- I love the fact that I have NO physical work on Sundays. T'is fantastic. I haven't done homework since Thursday night. We had a service day on Friday and my homeroom went to someone's home to help out painting these murals that go to hospitals.
They were really simple--basically a kind of colour-by-number sort of thing without the numbers. lol it was easy, but actually staying in the lines with paintbrushes is hard, man! They were really using us just to fill in some of the wrong colours that other people had put in and to give some stuff a second coat. Real simple, but fun. I enjoyed myself, but Kelsey and I decided that hospitals are even more depressing when they have murals by volunteers on the walls. It's kinda like saying, "Sorry, we had no time to get a REAL artist in here, 'cause all y'all are so close to dying. We just wanted to spiff the place up a bit before you did. Hope you like it!"
See what I mean? Depressing. Ah, well. Conformity demands that we help, so we did anyway.
Practice yesterday started out pretty good, then got fucked. I fenced Robert and he repeated the same thing over and over on the last touch so that I couldn't outdo him. Long story short, I parried and hit him, and told him that it probably wasn't bright to keep doing that. Now, I realized after I said it that it sounded bitchy and ungrateful, and the fact that he's been fencing quite a bit longer than I have didn't help the matter. Robert is a pretty reasonable kid, and he was already in a bad mood because Maestro wouldn't let the older kids fence one another, but only had them fencing the little kids, which doesn't improve us at all. When we were younger, maestro wouldn't let us go near the older kids. That's what pissed him off. Anyway, he got pissed at me and I felt bad. Then I had my lesson. I fenced and LOST to Robert again...miserably. I slipped once and he came to help me up, which means I guess that he forgave me a little. I'm going to apologize to him when I see him. Gah. I hate eating my words. Then I fenced and beat dad, which was okay, but i was 8-2 at the break and he brought it back to the point where he was beating me 14-12. I narrowly came back and beat him. I dunno. He seemed pleased, but I know that it eats at me if he wins, because he gloats about it for days. Then I fenced Sarah. I had fenced and beaten her 15-6 earlier in practice, and I lost to her 15-13. I was more than angry. I finished my lesson and took off my stuff, all the while only being able to think, "Fucktastic end to a fucktastic day in a fucktastic week."
After practice, Mom, Dad, and I went to the La-Z-Boy store to look at chairs for their room. (which they're remodeling slightly) We found a REALLY comfortable recliner. I just hope mom gets the one I wanted.
Well, now that I've been reduced to posting about La-Z-Boy chairs, I think it's time I ended this post, don't you?
EE! OH! I met somebody REALLY important the other night, and he was FANTASTIC, but that's private, so I'm leaving it at that. He's hot, that's all I can say. -wink-