Oct 01, 2005 09:35
Well, exactly what I expected to happen when I took both the mascot job and the waiting job for the same company is happening: They are both running me around. Worked all week as a waitor, went home around 1 in the morning, and now I have to get up and go do Dan the Dragon today at noon. On top of that, my usual running partner, Rachel, isn't going to be there with me, so I have to handle kids, teens, and adults on my own in this bahemoth of a costume. Doesn't help that I didn't get just the location of this place just yestarday, but I got the time when I'm suppoused to be there as well. Great planning
Seriously need a new job...
In other news, there's a game that's really got me interested in it. Indigo Blue is more like "Chose your adventure" book than an actual game, but it still looks like a keeper none the less. Keep an eye out for it.
Getting ready to move into Bryan's house. Darron, one of the two roommates who claimed to be leaving before, has decided to stay and is even going to bring his brother over to live with him, so it's going to be crowded. Good news is that the room that we're getting is the largest in the house, so Horray!
I need to get back in contact with Stage, Genki, Ken, Reg, or someone from the meet ups. I'm just so damn busy!
Oh, and woe for me...the season's turning. Walked outside yestarday in my usual beach wear...and I was coooold! I'm gonna miss the summer.....
"I wants some chinken scrips"- A full grown adult horribly mis-pronoucing 'chicken strips'