.... people like asking Crowley things, apparently.
1. Crowley's kept his hair the exact same way it was in the 40s. He just doesn't slick it back anymore.
2. He's a fidgeter, like me, but he doesn't fidget with objects. He'll pick at loose threads on his clothes, or fiddle with buttons on a sleeve, or push back his cuticles, or chip at his polish, but he's usually his own form of idle amusement. (Adam, take that how you may, but he'd rather you, for that, thanks.)
3. The missing sleeve on The Jacket comes from when he was in a riot in Ireland. Someone got him in the forearm with a knife, and cut clean through the arm. Rather than get a new jacket, he cut the sleeve off at the shoulder. The piece he sent Adam is from near the shoulder - as groovy as he's sure Adam would have found a bloodstained piece, he didn't save it, so. Apologies.
4. Whenever Janus gives him an order to go do something, he has to disobey it in some tiny way that won't affect the general outcome. It's a chaos theory thing.
5. He'll take a plane if he has to, but he doesn't like them.
6. The fingernail polish? Totally for the fidget factor. I'm amazed if I can let him keep it on my fingernails for longer than a day. He saw some girl doing the picking thing in a waiting room once and thought it looked like great fun.
7. He'll go and moonlight in professions he has no clue about. His BS is just that good. "Oh yes, I'm a radiologist. Let's have a look-see."
8. He's not very big on actual rituals, mostly because he's not flashy about the power that his anima grants him, unless he needs to be. He believes in getting his energy from whatever he does for the day. Things with any amount of passion to them, especially.
9. His element, however, is definitely Earth.
10. He can't stand white chocolate, not even the smell of it.
11. Before he joined the Organization, he was a tunnel worker during the construction of the railroads in Britain.
12. He can't cook to save his life unless it involves throwing something in a skillet and staring at it until it's done. Occasionally he'll grasp the concept of flipping whatever it is over, like a grilled cheese sandwich or a pancake. But not too terribly often.
13. He smokes, but you'll never see him touch anything with menthol involved because even people like him have limits. He isn't keen on the thought of inhaling tiny bits of glass along with his nicotine fix, thanks, even if it IS an urban myth. The mental picture stuck.
1. He became an alchemist's apprentice after he was caught stealing from one of the collection boxes outside a church in Venice. The alchemist intervened on his behalf and said that someone with a mind bright enough to pick through that sort of lock should serve out his penance by using his mind to serve the people he was trying to rob. Ah, renaissance community service.
2. The alchemist, Dusann, would let Janus go and visit his family in the evenings, a few days a week - but he had to be careful going to see them, because he didn't want them all to be caught.
3. Yes, the gypsy thing did start off as a slight ripoff of Clopin. Be shocked and amazed.
4. Janus was definately not always wise. The first time he went to Japan, he complimented his guide on his lovely dress. Facepalm.
5. Just because he will listen to any kind of music out of respect for it being a cultural expression, does not mean he likes it all. As much time as he spent around churches, he can't stand their music for the same reason Eddie Izzard can't.
6. He writes -everything- down. This stems from the fact that once he learned how to, it was so damned fascinating that he couldn't stop. "Janus, I don't need a record of that, blast you, stop wasting ink!"
7. He's a total packrat. If it's shiny and pretty, he keeps it.
8. He's also got a really big sweet tooth. He's not horribly obvious about it, but you put him in a good bakery and he'll probably end up trying one of everything eventually. And by eventually we mean within a couple of weeks.
9. He can't stand television - he'll watch the game shows with Rich more to be amused by Rich than by them - but he loves movies. Go fig.
10. When he gets the chance, he -does- like to drive, but most of the time he likes walking just as well. He's got no problem with spending the entire day just walking to somewhere across town and then coming back.
1. If Sam hadn't made the police academy, he would've gone on to do social work. He loves people too much to not work with them.
2. As much as he complains about "getting too old" for the weird stuff, he'll probably be on the force until something absolutely and definately says otherwise. Like, say, death.
3. If he had the chance to actually find his son Brandon, today, he wouldn't take it. He still believes that he would've successfully found his way in life, and thinks it would be far too awkward for both of them.
4. He actually didn't really want to work with Sarah when she first moved to Aviario - he didn't really say anything to anyone but Barbara, but he was so comfortable in his routine and in knowing everyone that he was afraid having to show a "rookie" the ropes would annoy the hell out of him. And we're not talking police experience, we're talking Town.
5. Yes, he really is that much of a "good ole boy" sometimes. It scares me.
6. He loves yard sales more than Barbara does. That scares me MORE.
7. He's not fussy about his clothes, but he is about his shoes. If they start getting worn out, he has to get new ones, because he never knows when he's going to have to spend an entire day standing around on his feet waiting for "those slowpokes from Ansonia" to get somewhere.
8. He actually listens to Adam's show once in a while, so he can keep up on what the kids he's so fond of keeping an eye on are listening to. He kinda likes Coldplay.
9. His favorite musician is Bruce Springsteen. Shocker, I know.
10. He worked one-on-one with Mayor Harlane to help refurbish/rebuild the Public Safety Building so that it would best accomodate -everyone- he knew that was involved.
1. If David goes out for dinner, he'll order a drink. Like, from the bar sort of drink. Just one. Usually it's something simple, like a rum and coke, though.
2. Part of the reason he can't stand Brent is because he left Cathrine at the altar - he actually likes her.
3. Sometimes he goes to the high school and gives presentations to the history classes about places in Aviario. You can bet he steers clear of the guidance counselor's office though - but I'm betting equal money that Rich finds a way to bug him while he's there, anyway.
4. He fought the plans for the Safety Building at first - he thought it would be better for the town if they rebuilt the original police and fire stations because it would preserve the "look" of Centre Circle. Loren went with him on it just to be a jerk. Because he's Loren.
5. Of course he and Loren get along. Smarmy sneaky bastards gotta stick together. They do lunch once a week at Straciatella's.
6. When he goes into New York to hang around in the museums, he'll also spend at least an hour hanging out in the New York Library, just because it smells good. ... he also likes sitting at the table they used in Ghostbusters, if it's not occupied. Tell no one.
7. That being said, he actually loves comedies. The really stupid SNL type, like Caddyshack and Animal House. It's kind of a secret vice thing.
8. He doesn't read much outside of work - he figures there can probably be too much of a good thing.
9. When he travels, he brings his own pillow. Hotel pillows suck.
10. Like Janus, he'll walk somewhere if the weather's nice and he has the time, rather than drive.
1. Worked in a pharmacy when he was a teenager - one of those old-fashioned ones that had the soda fountain and stuff in there, too.
2. Plays the piano.
3. Is particularly polite to people he can't stand. It's kinda the only thing that keeps him from trying to strangle them.
4. Hardly ever calls people by their first names, unless he's known them for a very long time, or unless he likes them.
5. Knows how to make cake from scratch. This does not mean that he can actually do it, however. We all know the Paul cannot cook for crap. It's sort of useless knowledge in that respect.
1. Ral joined the Organization his junior year of high school - there were a lot of excused absences while he was getting used to his anima, and he almost had to stay back.
2. He was a theatre major in college, with a minor in business. Odd combo, yes, but he also planned on helping June run the store, so it worked for him.
3. His favorite thing to get for dinner at Madies, when he's not going solely for the pie, is the beef stroganoff.
1. You know Jon's genuinely upset or mad when he -stops- swearing.
2. His blazer came from a thrift store, and has a custom-embroidered name tag on the inside pocket. Jon has no idea who the guy was, but the stories he makes up about him tend to vary. Currently he thinks he was a big band leader whose daughter got sold into the Mafia so he could keep himself in cumberbunds and martinis. The fucking bastard.
3. He once bought -all- his food for the dorm at the dollar store. For a month. As such, he's now gifted with a cast-iron stomach and can eat just about anything.
((Non-Town Muses))
Jimmy MacElroy (Blades of Glory)
1. He designed the peacock costume. Well, most of it.
2. Even though the Skittles thing was a positive reinforcement trick of Darren's, he still can't bring himself to think they're icky. They're too good.
3. Before Darren disowned him, he had like four of those stuffed animal hammocks in his room FULL of bears and stuff. He's slowly rebuilding the collection, most likely to Chazz's chagrin.
4. Sometimes he wishes that just once he could act up and be as badass as Chazz for one night or so, somewhere. But he knows he doesn't have it in him.
5. He is. A total. Mother. Hen. To anyone, really. Mostly because he's a sucker and a doormat, but there you go. You ask him for something, he probably won't say no unless it's icky or immoral.
1. Is, for some reason, a big fan of lemonade.
2. Listens to an awwwwful lot of oldies even though, by all rights, he should be more into 70s-80s stuff. I don't get it.
3. Prefers Monopoly over Scrabble. Mostly because he gets to be megalomanaiacal and indulge that greedy streak.
Hobbes (The Invisible Man)
1. Can make the best damn frappes in existance out of stuff people usually don't think of making them from. Coconut milk and strawberry ice cream, for one. Peanut butter and chocolate ice cream. Blueberry pie filling and vanilla ice cream. Etc.
2. Supports the country, but not the government, as much as he acts like the line between the two doesn't exist.
3. His favorite idea of a good day off is hitting tourist trap type places - mini golf, bowling, water parks, that sort of thing - and watching the tourists make idiots out of themselves.