There are a bunch of short TW fics I'd meant to type up a month ago ... literally. Wrote these while I was waiting for the hammer to fall at my last job, and I had nothing to do. One's set in canon, train-of-thought stuff from the beginning of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and the others are Morroccoverse (fanon/au).
And I decided that I've referred to it as such for long enough that there might be one or two people scratching their heads and wondering what I'm on about, so .... I'm going to suck it up and outline it, here.
I will probably have a few people in a giant state of OMGAWTFBBQ after they're done reading it, but ...... eh?
Morroccoverse got its name from something Al and I wrote that was basically a Two Doctors sort of thing, where Nine and Rose ran into Ten and Jack in modern-day Morrocco, at a refugee camp. Paradoxes nearly occurred, nanogenes were confused about where they were supposed to end up, and Bad Things Happened. It's our catch-all name for the personal fanon we've started writing in chats and fics and such, whether it's Ainley!Master baiting Five in the Library of Alexandria; Seven and Ace getting trapped on a planet full of malevolent, Labyrinth-style fairies, courtesy of a post-Survival Master; Nine and Rose running into Shaun and Liz after Z-Day on vacation in New York City, or Jack convincing Ten that Team Torchwood needs to hide out on the Tardis for a while for their own safety.
Right now, I think I'll concentrate on the two biggies: Nine and Ten's versions of Morroccoverse.
Nine's version breaks off from canon at the very end of Parting of the Ways. It mostly has to do with a theory about what BadWolf!Rose did to heal Jack - and my big guess was that she used her time manipulation to pull back a bunch of nanogenes. Only, they didn't all stay with Jack. Some of them stuck with Rose. And when Nine kissed her to suck all the Heart-of-the-Tardis energy out, they latched on to both of them. Therefore, Nine didn't have to regenerate ... but to heal Rose, they screwed up and used Nine's imprint ... and reconfigured her, a la Empty Child, only as a Time Lord.
Yes, it's crack. It's absolute and total crazy crack, but it's our crack, and it's fun crack. I'm not saying you have to agree with it or like it, but there it is.
This is not quite as much crack as Nine's, but it's a branch off from the same sort of tree. The regeneration went as usual, but after he regenerated, Ten realized that Rose was in too much danger to let her stay. He basically fought with her so that she'd get mad enough at him to leave, and then tried to make his way on his own. Cannery Wharf still happened, only in an altered version where Ten was 400% Oncoming Storm and really really scary. Runaway Bride is still canon, completely. Only, after that, Ten didn't run into Martha Jones. He ended up in Cardiff again, instead. And naturally, Jack was waiting for him. They didn't get along too well for a while, but it was better than traveling alone.
That whole Morrocco thing I mentioned sort of drove how important Jack was into Ten's head, though, due to some glitches with the nanogenes ..... him and Rose in the same place, in the same time, plus two Doctors from alternate time-dimensions ... not good. So once they got out of there, Ten basically asked Jack if he'd travel with him a while longer. And it was looking like life'd be pretty good. Until they got back onto the Tardis, and realized that something felt really, really wrong.
The suitcase full of wrong came from something Ten found in his study - a fobwatch, with a lot of drumming in. Gee, we wonder who that belongs to. In fanon, it got on the Tardis when Adam Mitchell brought it on, as one of the things from Henry von Statten's collection (remember Dalek?), donated by one Mr. Harold Saxon, for safekeeping. Bwa ha ha. Once they realize what it is, Jack hides the fobwatch in a psychically-shielded box and delivers it to Torchwood to have the team hide it for him in the vault at the Hub.
Only, er, later, the Doctor shows up and asks if he can have it back. That'd be all fine and dandy if it were actually the Doctor, but ..... nope. Surprise! It's the Valeyard. We sort of pulled out all the stops for Morroccoverse. Al's Valeyard turned right after Satellite Five, so he's a dead ringer for Ten, only with a head full of screaming humans and dying Daleks. Once he gets the watch, he opens it for Saxon, and hooray, it's crazy fun evil time for them, and Suitcase Full of Bad for Team Torchwood.
Torchwood's Morroccoverse intersects Ten's, but we cut canon off after Greeks Bearing Gifts, simply because that's where we were at in watching first season when we started writing them into it. So Owen's with Gwen, Rhys doesn't know, and the whole thing with Diane never happened. John Hart showed up, though, absolutely, and when Jack snubbed him and refused to go back to the Time Agency, he tried tracking him down again and found the Valeyard's Tardis instead of Ten's. Now he's working with Saxon, though he didn't have much of a choice. Saxon's killed off the old bloke who ran Torchwood Two (who I think ought to have been Shadwell from Good Omens, come on, seriously) and is thinking of maybe doing a little traveling around in Val's Tardis to make up a little team reunion. We'll see if that actually goes anywhere.
And that's pretty much where we are now. Vaguely. Anyway. Er. If this helps you follow the random fic stuff I'm about to type up, yay. If it just makes you realize that Al and I are on massive amounts of crack, er ..... nothing I can do for that, really. We just do this sort've thing for fun.