Jan 05, 2005 23:10
dum di dum. im so bored. mum and dad have spent the entire night in front of the tv, and scott and danny in front of the other one. ive got a headache and all i wanna do is slob out somewhere and watch a programme that i dont really have to concentrate on, but i cant do that. ive been so totally bored the last few days. ive tried to work, but i can never seem to work during the holidays, i need to be at school to have any sense of urgency! i know i said that was gonna be one of my resolutions this year, but ive decided that my resolutions are more like targets. they're what i'd like to have completed by the time i leave school. once i go to university i'll make some new ones. cause, i kinda feel my life as i know it is gonna be ending after august and a new one will be starting when i go to university. i know its not, but i wanna feel like i have a new life, so i'm trying to change things now. for once in my life i wanna be the perfect one. the one with the perfect figure, who always looks good, who gets good grades, who has the perfect boyfriend, etc. i know the boyfriend thing is more about look, but the others i can work towards. i want to have a size 10/12 figure, and have a good complexion, unbitten lips (thats the resolution im finding hardest to keep!) nice nails. i wanna have a really nice wardrobe and i want to look studious, but fun. lol. thats a basic image of the perfect me!
i really want to go back to school. how stupid does that sound! at least school breaks up my life a bit though. i get up, i go to school, i come home, i watch tv and do homework, then i go to bed. it gives my life structure. at the minute im just getting up and then lazing around for about an hour and watch one tree hill. then i have a shower, and then its do whatever i feel like, and the day just seems to drag on. i don't like school, i hate my classes, i'm not keen on the people there really, but i prefer it to being at home all day! anyway, i'm off to bed now...night!