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Jan 01, 2010 21:35

Overall, 2009 hasn't been a bad year.

I feel like I've changed a lot, from the super awkward 18-year-old at college freshmen year to a little less awkward 19-year-old. I mean, yeah, I'm still shy and everything, but it's a lot better. Forced to make friends does that. And unlike last year at this time, I actually enjoy being at college, if not for the academics, for the friends and fun. And the boyfriend, as some of you keep bringing up. :P

This year has also been the year of...no, I can't call it experimentation. But it's definitely the year when I have stepped out. Last year at this time, I had yet to party or drink at college (the beginning of this school year has more or less made up for my lack last year >.<). I was the "studious" (you know we all procrastinate), online social (but not offline) nerd. People saw me as...I don't know, weird. And looking back on that little girl, I'm glad I've come a long way. Although some of it perhaps isn't the best for my health or otherwise, I'm glad that I've come to understand myself better. I'm more comfortable with myself overall.

Looking to the new year, I'm not asking for much. I'm already very happy, and I wish to remain that way. I want to be able to find the good things in life even when the going gets tough. I wish that everyone in my family will also be happy. Health and happiness are, after all, the two most important things in life. (Money too, but shh...that's a different story.)

Goals for 2010:
Maintain my weight-loss habits (going to the gym, eating less dessert, etc.)
Return to my good time management skills at the beginning of the fall quarter
Find myself a summer internship, whatever it takes
Be happy!

So here's to a whole new year and a whole new decade!
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