Field Trip

Dec 03, 2005 05:59

Well, the going-to-bed-early sort of worked. I managed to get up around 5:10 feeling no more than slightly exhausted, with eerie memories of going back to seminary. I guess the training works, though, because now I'm bright-eyed and alert and slowly getting ready for the day.

I leave in forty-five minutes to meet Dr. Britt and a paltry few members of my class (please please please let more people come; it's not a field trip if there's less than five!) at the Eyring building. It's a three-hour drive to Vernal, and then we'll be visiting at least two museums as well as (possibly) the home of one of Dr. Britt's friends, another paleontologist. Dr. Britt promised we'll be back by 6:30, which I really hope happens; I've got a date at 7:00 and I'd really rather not go straight from the field. Missing it would be even worse, of course. Just hope we don't get stuck in a snowstorm somewhere, especially as I still haven't managed to sort out my cell phone issues and am thus stuck without any means of communication.

But at least people seem to like Field of Fallen Leaves...

And on another note entirely, I've had three job offers in the past month: one working as a TA for an English Language class, one working as a Writing Fellow, and one (yesterday) working for the Museum. They need help editing the writing on their (old) displays; Dr. Britt told me to keep in contact with him over the break and we'll work something out when I get back. I told the roommates this, and Ci half-bitterly asked if anyone but me was getting job offers? *grins* Sorry, there...

Ach. Off to finish getting ready!


life, work, ki, school

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