Oct 27, 2005 09:20
Papers finished at about 9:00 last night, and then I managed to obtain a copy of Gallipoli for class tomorrow (thank you so much!) so the day's less frenetic than it might otherwise be.
Still have to:
Obtain two more articles on ye and thou
Read and summarize the three articles I have
Complete Latin homework
Write Geology paper on dinosaurs
Read Grammar assignment
Take Grammar quiz
Read Usage assignment
Study for Usage midterm on Wednesday
Go grocery shopping
Do laundry
Write Shades!anniversary fic (I'm such a hypocrite!)
Dry my hair...
Get to class...
The last two are fairly easily accomplished. Everything else shall await its proper time. Breakfast gets no time at all this morning, unless I stop by the Cougareat after Latin and snag a loaf of bread or something. Hmm, hot bread and honey-butter...
In other news, I finally took the plunge and renewed our paid account today, as well as purchasing 100 user pics. That means Fi and I are going on a massive icon hunt. That means we're probably going to be hitting some of you up for links to good icons and such! (And that also means I can have all the Yondaime icons my little heart desires. Squee~!)
And in other other news, I had the oddest dream last night, about joining the Anbu--or else it was the ROTC--and spending at least 15 minutes trying to figure out why my uniform had a frilly leotard undergarment and no actual uniform. I don't think I ever quite worked that one out... Just went off to kill Hollows with my Captain (a guy from my Grammar class who is actually in the ROTC) and Hitsugaya.
Ah, well, life's like that! Off to classerize!
to do,