(no subject)

Oct 25, 2005 00:44

You know you're brain-dead when you voluntarily give up grading papers (and surreptitiously holding hands) to wash all the dishes piled high in the sink, just because you can't think anymore if you don't do something.

There were a lot of dishes. But I got them all done and the counter cleared and the sinks wiped, and then I came back to grade more papers and offer advice on Portuguese papers!

'Twas a good night. I've still got 6 papers left, but I'll have two free hours tomorrow in which to do them; if each paper takes 20 minutes tops, I'll be okay. Also got one more paper to edit and return to the student so he can revise it in preparation for the due date Tuesday, but I can do that tomorrow evening. *winces*

On the other hand, we found that Study Dates do work well--as long as we're both studying! And I got more homework done tonight than I've finished any day in weeks, plus I made dinner (chicken curry couscous and yoghurt) and worked about 5 hours on the papers, so I'm feeling good about today!

...Just brain-dead.

*toddles off to bed*


P.S. Got a review on Masks and Shadows today saying that the reviewer wanted to write fanfiction on our fanfiction! I'm amused and a little ashamed. Squeak and our readers have been waiting since July for me to finish Chapter Six, and I've been absolutely unexcusably slow.

Squeak, I need to speak to you about plot problems. And maybe when I get all these papers cleared up I can then get some writing done...

And for anyone who's up for a challenge, Shades of War has its two-month anniversary tomorrow! Write a drabble! Draw a picture! And if you're not a member, JOIN!

-Ki, again!

life, work, school

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