
Apr 18, 2005 12:47

Welcome to the journal of Shadows of Fire, two enthusiastic writers currently based in the Wasatch Mountains. We're both 19-year-old university students, currently in our freshman years; we both love reading, writing, and procrastinating. (Math is out of the picture).

Phoenix likes highly complicated plots and complex characters. When asked if a character is good or evil, she replies: "(S)he is human."

Kilerkki likes complex plots and complicated characters. When asked if a character is good or evil, she replies: "That depends on your point of view. But I wish the little jerk would just die already!"

Phoenix's current obsessions are Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, and Harry Potter. She introduced Kilerkki to Naruto and Death Note; now both of us are hooked (Kilerkki was already hooked on Harry Potter, but doesn't think Bleach stands up to the awesomeness that is Naruto.) And although Kilerkki still insists that fanfic writers would make a better use of their time by writing their own stuff (because if they can handle grammar and plot and everything important, why can't they just invent their own characters and world and go happily on their way?) she's found herself sucked into the maelstrom of reading/writing fanfiction. But, dang it, Kakashi-sensei is just cool!

Phoenix enjoys stories that make one think. Kilerkki enjoys stories that make one cheer. Well, thinking is good too...

We're both mainly concentrating on Naruto fanfiction at the moment, although we both dash off original work when the Muse strikes. Check out Phoenix's work or Kilerkki's work. We both love any sort of comments/reviews, especially constructive criticism, which consists of you telling us how much you loved our stories and then informing us exactly where we went wrong.

Phoenix's favorite Naruto characters: (she still harbors hopes for redemption)

Kilerkki's favorite Naruto characters: (she loves awesome fighting skills + mysterious pasts)

We've established this journal to inform you, our lucky readers, about what's currently going on in our lives, our works, and our twisted minds. Enjoy the ride! And be sure to check out our previous blog to find out what was going on before we made the momentous decision to switch to LiveJournal.


welcome, ki, fi

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