Homework and musings...

Jan 23, 2006 23:29

Well, I'm up past my bedtime but it's worth it 'cause I got all my homework done! ('xcept for the reading I'm saving so I don't fall asleep or get on the computer in between classes tomorrow. Self, I know thee. Though I'd like to read my Terry Pratchett book, Soul Music, instead...)

Anyway, classes were good today and editing is a scary business, and commas and I now entertain a cordial dislike of each other and of the Chicago Manual of Style, which we unite in hating. And my brain is refusing to supply me with any new characters or plots that do not have slight overtones of ninja-ing.

Though the hunter who stumbles across a murder may have some potential...(whoa, it's even literary! Death and depression, what more could you want?) Gotta work on that tomorrow. Also wanna try writing more of those short-short-short stories 'cause the last one was really fun. My mom enjoyed it, at least!

Today is my dad's 48th birthday, and he spent it on a business trip. Poor Dad. I called home to wish him a Happy Birthday, and the kids told me he was gone, so I called his cell phone and managed to catch him at the airport and wish him many happy returns of the day. I feel really guilty sometimes about how much my parents have given me--Dad working his heart out to support our family in such comfort, Mom giving up a career and goals and dreams of her own to raise us and educate us and help us become good people--and I want to give them back as much as they've given me. But I know I can't, never will be able to. All I can do is work hard here, be the best I can be, and make them proud of me. Be worth all they've given me, and make them happy.

...Guess I get kinda philosophical at night. Who'da thunk?

In other news, just 'cause it amuses me:

1. Hypothesis: It is easier to remember the names of objects than it is to remember the objects themselves; students who have memorized a list of common household items will remember the list better than students who have memorized the same assortment of items in object form.

2. Subjects: Two groups of college students self-selected by volunteering (booth in the Wilk?) No need for a control group.

3. Equipment: Paper, pencils, 15 common household items (spoon, spatula, whisk, hammer, etc), list of these same items.

4. Experiment:

One group of subjects will be given a written list of 15 common household items and three minutes to memorize this list. The other group will be presented with a set of the 15 household items on a table or tray and will also be given three minutes to memorize the assortment. The list or items will then be removed, and the subjects will be given paper and pencils and asked to list the items they have memorized.

5. Problems:

Subjects may grow bored with the test and not use the complete time to memorize.

Subjects may be nervous and unable to concentrate while writing down the items.

6. Solutions:

Keep the time limit for memorization short (but don’t give test early even if subjects show signs of boredom, since that might skew results anyway).

Be friendly and affable with subjects, and offer them candy upon completion.

*grins* Any volunteers?

I won't be on much tomorrow--probably not much at all, 'cause I've gotta get some stuff done. If you really need to speak to me, email me (the full version of my name @gmail.com) or nudge Fi, and I'll get the message.

Love to all!


thoughts, ki, family, school

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