Feminine Wiles

May 16, 2007 04:31

Title: Feminine Wiles
Author: toxic_shadow
Fandom: all_in_order
Characters/Pairings: Varese/Milena, Logan/Morasca
Rating: PG
Genre: Humor
Warnings: None
Description: Milena contemplates boys and affection.
Author's Note: In Milena's POV. I own Anna and the cats.

Feminine Wiles

Varese’s so cute when he scurries around the apartment at night. Especially when he thinks he can hide from me. Silly boys, forgetting we know all their hiding places. Anna understands, and Varese doesn’t know this, but she’s the one that tells me where he is half the time. Anna likes being licked and she knows the man with the shiny toys likes being licked too. Really, why else would they lick each other every time he comes over?

I wonder if he knows how much I love him. I love Varese very much. I lick him because I love him and he means the world to me. I think that’s why Anna licks the shiny man. And wrestles him. A lot. They just wrestled on the counter this morning. He really likes it too. I think that’s why he always smells like Anna and when he leaves Anna smells like him. Well, there they go again, licking each other. Wait for it… and pounce! Ha!

Silly Varese, thinking he could get away so easily. Time to tell him how much I love him again. He’s so cute when he tries to scurry away.

[entry] fic, [npc] milena, [pairing] milena/varese

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