Hi everyone.
Well, SDFA is back, and with this return come the long awaited winners of the twelfth round of awards. Obviously, the delay in these is obvious, and for those who have seen the site recently, you’ll be aware that the site has been closed since October 2005 - nearly six months - it’s hard to believe.
I’m not happy that I had to close, nor am I happy that it has taken so long to get these awards awarded, or the next round together. That said; I am glad that I’ve come to a juncture that has allowed me to re open SDFA. I’m not starting again - it’s a straight forward continuation, with the exception of one thing - and that is that positions for judges will be open to apply for. To those of you who have offered to help out, you know who you are, and have been contacted already, to those interested in judging, just send me an email with the required info on it (see on site) and we’ll take it from there.
I’ve had a horrible 2006 so far, and we’re not far into the year, I’m not going to go into it, but I’ll be updating my LJ soon, for those who are interested in knowing what’s been going on.
I’m still planning on SDFA having three rounds a year. A Beginning, Middle and End, which comprise of two months of nominations and two months of judging in each. Obviously, as this round is starting in April instead of May, I’m just splitting the time up equally. If all goes to plan, which it should, Round Thirteen nominations will close in mid June, and winners will be announced just as Round Fourteen begins in September (check the site for dates).
There’s a new layout, new categories and more already online for you to view. You can send suggestions for categories, layouts and whatever else you come up with in through the form at this URL:
http://www.shadows-and-dust.co.uk/SDFA/suggest.htm or you can just email me at sdfawebwench@shadows-and-dust.co.uk with whatever you have to say. And of course, the guestbook is always there ready to be signed.
As always, I’d like to extend my thanks for all of the support you have all given in the past, and continue to provide, and hope that you participate in this, the Thirteenth Round of Shadows & Dust Fanfic Awards
And now, without further prolonging, the winners of SDFA Round Twelve are....
The Angelic Award - Best AtS Fiction
The Anguished Award - Best Angst Fiction
You Who Never Arrived by M Phoenix
The Believe Award - Best Original Character
Useless Desires by Enigmatic Blue (for the character Tim)
The Bite Me Award - Best Spike Fiction
Blood Kin by Nan Dibble
The Brevitas Award - Best Short Fiction
Flip, Click by kats_meow & saturngirl1974
The Caritas Award - Best Song Fiction
Let’s Misbehave by darkhavens
The Champion Award - Best Heroic Fiction
Blood Kin by Nan Dibble
The Chosen One Award - Best Slayer Centric Fiction
Faith: the Series by Keith Collins
The Dazzle Award - Best Conventional Shipper Fiction
The Endurance Award - Best Long Fiction
Delicate by Eurydice
The Ensnared Award - Best HP/ BtVS or AtS Crossover
The Entangled Award - Best Jossverse Crossover
The Entwined Award - Best Crossover
Bridges by Tassos
The Erotic Award - Best Female Slash Fiction
Je Me Souviens by queenzulu
The Exotic Award - Best Male Slash Fiction
Second Verse by Lit Gal
The Intrigue Award - Best Plot
Shroud of Lies by Spurglie
The Journey Award - Best Series
Stranger Things by Esmeralda
The Library Award - Highly Recommended
Sunday Morning Coming Down by crazydiamondsue
The Metamorphosis Award - Best Episode Stealer
The Moonlight Award - Best Romance Fiction
Delicate by Eurydice
The Nummytreat Award - Best Spike/Xander Fiction
Sunday Morning Coming Down by crazydiamondsue
The Only Me Award - Best Minor Character Fiction
Pieces of Now by Strange Bint
The Portal Award - Best Character History
Summer of Love by gottarhyme
The Seduction Award - Best PWP
Fear in a Handful of Dust by Amy B
The Seer Award - Best POV
Six Minutes, Fifty Three Seconds by M Phoenix
The Slay Me Award - Best BtVS Fiction
The Spirit Award - Best Poem
The Stake Me Award - Best Spike/Buffy Fiction
Fear in a Handful of Dust by Amy B
The Sundown Award - Best Dark Fiction
The Thrill Me Award - Best Drama
Shroud of Lies by Spurglie
The Thunder Award - Best Action
Second Verse by Lit Gal
The Voice Award - Best Feedback
The Wonder Award - Best Unconventional Shipper Fiction
Useless Desires by Enigmatic Blue