Round Eleven of SDFA is still accepting nominations for fiction. You can only nominate your own fictions now, as the due date for nominating fiction by other people has been and gone. We’re currently short of nominees in the following categories:
Angelic, Bite Me, Caritas, Champion, Ensnared, Entangled, Erotic, Exotic, Nummytreat, Only Me, Portal, Slay Me, Spirit and Voice. A Full breakdown of categories is available on site, but here’s a basic rundown.
Angelic Award - Best AtS Fan Fiction
Anguished Award - Best Angst Fan Fiction
Believe Award - Best Original Character
Bite Me Award - Best Spike Fiction
Brevitas Award - Best Short Fiction
Caritas Award - Best Song Fiction
Champion Award - Best Heroic Fiction
Chosen One - Best Slayer Centric Fiction
Dazzle Award - Best Conventional Shipper Fiction
Endurance Award - Best Long Fiction
Ensnared Award - Best Harry Potter/BtVS or AtS Crossover Fiction
Entangled Award - Best Ats/BtVS Crossover Fiction
Entwined Award - Best Crossover Fiction
Erotic Award - Best Female Slash Fiction
Exotic Award - Best Male Slash Fiction
Intrigue Award - Best Plot
Journey Award - Best Series
Metamorphosis Award - Best Episode Stealer
Moonlight Award - Best Romance Fiction
Nummy Treat Award - Best Spike/Xander Fiction
Only Me Award - Best Minor Character Fiction
Portal Award - Best Character History
Seduction Award - Best PWP
Seer Award -Best Point of View Fiction
Slay Me Award - Best BtVS Fan Fiction
Spirit Award - Best Poem
Stake Me Award - Best Buffy/Spike Fiction
Sundown Award - Best Dark Fiction
Thrill Me Award - Best Dramatic Fiction
Thunder Award - Best Action Fiction
Voice Award - Best Feedback
Wonder Award - Best Unconventional Shipper Fiction
As you can see we have an extensive range of categories, and we’re always looking for more. On site, you can suggest categories and layouts for future rounds, as well as comment on the site in general. SDFA endeavour to provide visitors with as much help and support as is needed in order to take part in the awards, so if you have any questions you can email the founders directly at ...
We look forward to your visit, and your nominations. Don’t forget to read the rules! Thanks