Jan 16, 2006 23:33
Hum. I was looking around for things to finish this Emerson paper and stumbled upon this cute little comparison:
"We come not as conquerors, but as liberators." -George Bush (2003)
"Not as tyrants have we come, but as liberators." -Adolf Hitler (1938)
Not even a hundred years ago. Funny how people don't notice these things.
Right, anyway, as a complete and total waste of your time, method of procrastination for me and minor tidbit: I love when you're listening to a well set up home theater, good headphones or just sticking your head directly between two stereo speakers and it sounds like the sound isn't actually coming from the speakers -- the music is in your head. It's a neat little auditory illusion, I think, where your brain just computes the sound as originating from inside your head instead of from the speakers, but it still gives me warm fuzzies. Maybe I should ditch English and become a sound engineer -- then I can play with computers and sound at the same time -- and, I don't know, read books on the side or something. Or, I suppose, I could finish this damn English degree and then try to pry my way into the business anyway.
Wow, I'm bloody fantastic at avoiding writing papers.