SJ Tucker in Ann Arbor - TOMORROW!

Jun 02, 2010 22:29

Hi all, here's a chance to hear SJ if you missed her shows at ConFusion this year. :) If you haven't heard her before, you truly owe it to yourself to give her a listen. If we get a big enough crowd, they may put on a firespinning show after the concert, which is a truly magical thing to behold on a summer night.

Read on for more details. You can listen to her tunes here. Feel free to RSVP at the Facebook event here.

Quoted from her website...

.... S.J. Tucker thrills her fans with a unique alternative-rock style, flavored with a dose of blues, a dash of celtic, a taste of punk, and even a hint of folk for good measure. Her music is interwoven with mythic lore, avante garde poetry, and modern storytelling. Continuously touring the USA, either solo or with one of her regional bands, Skinny White Chick and Tricky Pixie, she astounds listeners with deft guitar work, original writing style, and crystal-clear vocals. Glowing reviews compare her music to the sound, style, and skill of Joni Mitchell, Ani Difranco, Tori Amos, and Jeff Buckley. Named "Queen of the Bards" by industry professionals, member of several prestigious musical circles, and a favorite amongst both Christian and Pagan fans, Tucker knows how to commit to her audience, independent of beliefs or sexual preference.

This rising star now has six full-length studio albums available in stores and online, including a pair of compelling companion CDs for Catherynne M. Valente's mythpunk series: The Orphan's Tales. S.J. Tucker, "the little woman with the big voice" (Memphis Records), will make you think, laugh, dance, and be still by giving you songs to sink your teeth into. With this Skinny White Chick, what you see is only a petite cross-section of what you'll get, and what you hear is undeniably powerful."

Concert begins at 8pm.
$6-$15 suggested donation.

Great Oak Cohousing's Common House
500 Little Lake Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48103

Please park along Little Lake Drive unless you require handicapped parking, which is available next to the Common House. Directions and maps are here.


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