It's late, so I'll
direct you to zoethe's more eloquent note on it.
In short,
SJ Tucker, aka
Skinny White Chick, has
had a string of astronomical health expenses, and being that she's a traveling troubadour/songstress, she lacks health care insurance. If you can help by
buying CDs, downloading music, or donating, it would be greatly appreciated.
There's also an auction going on at this LJ community with all sorts of wonderfulness to support our friend.
Her music is a delicate blend of folk-funk-blues-alternative, with fascinating lyrics on topics ranging from stealth alligators in your house to the Trickster, from "What if Wendy told Peter Pan to shove it?" to invocations of the Goddess.
So please - if you have a
spare $10 lying around, pick up one of her CDs at wholesale price or download an album. Better yet, if you're not cash-strapped,
buy a CD at full price. You won't regret it.