Today is my birthday! Not saying that to get recognition, just kinda happy because it’s already a lot better then last year. See last years entry if you don’t believe me.
Hellgirldeity got a cake and went out at exactly midnight to bring it in and she gave me this cute framed picture (which she cross-stitched herself) of a dog and a cat with A friend knows all about you…and still likes you! on it.
Very happy, so I’m twenty-four and still not driving, but I will damn it just give me time, but I’ve got a steady job, a cat, and I’m writing. Writing is the big thing. I’m not writing a lot, but the characters are forming and bubbling and I’m researching for them, not for school. I like that.
I’m considering getting a laptop in other news, I could get on $45 or so a month through Dell, and giving my old laptop to Dad. (After making sure Fabio the computer sprite is moved of course…) Time to go home! More on the day later!