(no subject)

Jul 20, 2005 02:00

shadow. so much of life takes place not in the light of day, but in the shadows of the peripheral. it's like life sneaks up on you. you know where you are, you're happy with it, it's familiar. and then somethig happens to you. not externally, even. maybe you just have this epiphany or some sort of self-realization. and then you look closer... you look back and you see just how much you've changed. how much everything you know has changed. you look back even a couple months and see what's new in your life, the connections you've made, the people you've met. how different it all is. you see people change around you, you see places change... and you see yourself change. and you start to notice the details more. you notice how every little thig affects you. how each person impacts your life. and to you i want to say thank you.
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