stolen from krista

Jul 01, 2005 01:38

Red: In the last 24 hours have you..

Cried? 24 hours, no
Hugged someone? yes
Kissed someone? yes, on the cheek
Lied? no
Snuck out of your house? no
Laughed really hard? yes
Gotten sick? no... i'm still recovering, though, so i don't know if that counts
Hung out with a friend? yes
Got your feelings hurt? no
Been lied to? probably, but it would've been at work

Orange: What Would You Do...

If you saw someone shoplift? have some fun with them
If a loved one died? i don't even want to think about it
If a friend lied to you? wouldn't worry about it too much. i'm big on second/third/fourth chances
If your Girlfriend/Boyfriend were cheating on you? at first, i'd be pretty hurt and down. but then i'd probably be a bit puzzled, being that i'm single.
If something really embarrasing happened to you? laugh, probably. that or be unphased.
If someone insulted you? probably laugh
If you found out a teacher at your school was a drug dealer/Child Rapist? be pretty surprised. it's ambrose, isn't it...
If you found out someone in your family was stealing stuff from someone else in your family? there's not enough family for that to work out
If you found out your Dad was on Viagra? oh, he'd get such a hard time... no pun intended
If something really bad happened to you? let it go. it's not worth getting worked up over.

Yellow: Your Emotions..

Do you tend to cry a lot? no
Are you really emotional? not really...
Do you get really bad mood swings? haha no
Do you tend to get annoyed easily? nope
What annoys you the most? stereotypes and when people are judgemental
Do your feelings get hurt easily? no
If another person said something mean about you, would it matter to you what they said? likely not
Does it bother you if people talk shit on you? not really
Does food change how you feel? no. i'm still hungry.
Have you ever cut/done drugs to feel better? not to feel better, no

Green: Your Apperance..

Are you tall or short? average/tall
What color hair do you have? brown/blonde
Do/have you dyed your hair? no
What color eyes do you have? blue
Do you have glasses/contacts? no
Do you want color contacts? no
Do you think you’re attractive? not particularly
Do other people think your attractive? some
If your a girl do you wear make up? doesn't apply
What color looks best on you? blue/gray

Blue: Your Social Life..

What group are you in at school? poor college kid
How did you get into that clique? spent my money on school and i go to college.
Is there a group you wish you were in? not poor college kid
Is there a clique your clique hates? rich college kids
What do you normally do on the weekends? go to the beach and have people over
You go on single dates/group dates? single, usually
What would you do for a first date? depends on the date
Do you go to parties? sure, but not that often
What is your "Label"? washine wash warm, tumble dry

Pink: Love

What characteristics do you look for in a Boyfriend/Girlfriend? free thought
Apperance wise, what are you attracted to? eyes
How long was your longest relationship? little more than a year
Why do you think it lasted that long? things were working out for a long time, and then school happened
Who was your favorite Girlfriend/Boyfriend? difficult question. at the time i was with her, it's hard to say. as they are now, maybe mindi. we seem to have grown more similar over the years.
Who broke your heart the most? someone i never dated...
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