I Love You

May 26, 2011 13:29

Four years ago today, shogunhb and I stood on what looked like a giant altar, with a mountain as a backdrop and the sun in everyone's eyes, and promised to love and hold and cherish one another for as long as we both shall live.

Four years later, I find myself loving him even more than I did on our wedding day. We've gone through good times and hard ones, we've both fallen and helped one another up, we've been stressed, tired, snippy, and downright angry with one another. But, under all that, we've been in love.

And it is glorious.

So here's just a small post to say publicly what I feel every day of my life: I love you, Shaughn. And I always will.

Also, thank god for putting that 'in sickness and in health' bit in there. Whew!

shaughn wins at life, married life for dummies

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