Weekend in Very Brief

Apr 11, 2011 16:41

Larpercalia was amazingly fun. Friday night, I was in Timelines, Saturday I played in Ruins of Grandeur and Better Off Dead, and Sunday I played in Costumed Henchmen. I think this was probably better for me, at least in terms of quality of games I played in. The 40 minute commute there and back wasn't great, but only really killed me Sunday when I arrived an hour late for my game because I thought it started at 2 instead of 1. That...kinda sucked and I heartily apologize to both the other players and the GMs who waited on us.

Okay, it also sucked Saturday night driving home from Sparkle Motion after the after-prom party, but that still counts as Sunday since we didn't get home till 5:30 in the morning. Though it was fun to walk into the McDonalds on the pike in my dress, with my 80's hair and makeup and my prom queen tiara.

That's right, bitches. I was prom queen. \o/

Sunday had my best costume (I pretty much dressed up like Zatanna and was gratified to hear several people yell that very thing as I approached the con suite after game). Better Off Dead had the costume I thought I looked the best in (though I couldn't touch juldea's for sheer epic and awesome) and was easily the best game for all-around costuming, I think. (It had witticaster in a tux. 'Nuff said.)

I'm still kind of processing the weekend as a whole and formulating thoughts beyond, "Pretty...fun...yay," which is kind of where I am right now. Delicious spoilery posts will come later, though, like shogunhb, my posting's been pretty crap as late. Sorry, y'all. I suck.

Speaking of, I do want to give a shout-out to shogunhb for being awesome this weekend. He mentions in his own LJ about the trials and tribulations he had getting to game Saturday night, but then he stayed up till 3am with me this morning so we could watch Tangled together after I went to bed hideously grumpy and overtired because we hadn't gotten to watch it. And then woke up and went to work this morning. He's gone into the lab every day since we got home from Florida, including both weekends and the Friday we returned, when he was still technically on vacation.

So, thank you, honey, for indulging my sulk tantrum and being amazing. I really do appreciate it.

I'm hitting LARPers Let-down really hard right now and am vacillating between wanting to work on the LARP ddrpolaris and k1ttycat and I are working on, and wanting to be playing something else omgrightnowplscanI. I've also been fighting off a nasty headache and dealing with internet woes all day, so this is truly a most Monday of Mondays.

But it can only be so very Monday-like because of how amazing my weekend was, so many thanks to all the writers, GMs, fellow players, and con staff who made my second Festival as wonderful as my first, which I didn't think could possibly happen.

my body hates me, cons, shaughn wins at life, larping, geekery, friends

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