
Jan 25, 2011 12:50

So, the problem with not posting right away after the New Year? You start to feel like your first HAS to be something cool and important and witty and the longer you wait, the higher the bar gets.

Posting this now just to get over than hurdle. So there.

Just left a message for my gastro doc asking if he could set it up so my Remicaid treatments are 6 weeks apart instead of 7. 7 is just too long now. In addition to a slight resumption of symptoms, I'm starting to get the familiar pain in my stomach and the utter exhaustion again. It's the exhaustion part that I hate most. I just got back in from salting the back driveway and I'm giving serious thoughts to napping. The idea of lugging more laundry downstairs to toss into the washing machine makes me want to cry.

Or, well, whine, maybe. Glad I could be high-minded in this, my first entry of the new year.

So, yeah. I doubt that the okay will come through before I schedule my next Remicaid appt (I'm going in tomorrow, yay), but hopefully when I'm scheduling the one after that.

Pig parasites are starting to sound better and better.

Four more entries until I can legit allow myself to reup this paid account.

my body hates me, something less stupid plz, medical malpractice & insurance fraud, pharmapsychology, self-indulgent wankery, ramblings

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