I can't believe I have to type this

Dec 09, 2010 18:40

If you want information for what I or my husband are doing, email US. Don't email friends or family or ask your neighbor down the street, email US. This should not be a difficult concept for people to grasp. If you have a question that directly pertains to me or my doings, I am the person to ask. Why? Because there are a lot of people out there who don't know the first FUCK about what I'm doing, about to do, or have done.

I don't understand why this needs repeating, but apparently it does. THEREFORE, if you have a question, email me. On the off-chance you have forgotten my email address, it's on my LJ profile page. For those of who who have an aversion to clicking, it's this LJ name with yahoo as a domain.

I CANNOT GET ANY MORE EXPLICIT THAN THIS. Should you continue to email other people and ask them about what my thoughts, ideas, opinions, or plans are, then you're going to learn jack and shit and I'm going to find it really hard to care.

Furthermore, should you decide to contact me for further information, either in private communication or in a public space such as my journal, I reserve the right to either ignore your or call you out on your jackass behavior if you're going to do so like a jackass.

Are we fucking crystal clear here?


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