Today was not an effective use of my time

Nov 24, 2010 00:59

So, Tuesday, T-minus two days, where 'T' is Thanksgiving. As with any major holiday, there are a lot of things that need to get done in the days leading up to the holiday itself: cooking, cleaning, shopping, etc. Today, for example, I had a lot to do, many of which was fairly time consuming:

*Write up steel_not_glass's post for fandomhigh (apps are open!)
*Look up all my recipes I'm making for Thanksgiving dinner
*Verify which ingredients I already had
*Compile a shopping list
*Go grocery shopping (two days before Thanksgiving, guess how busy the store was)
*Check up on my PS3 and/or get the loaner
*Was sheets used for spare room and fold out bed
*Prep for game. Tonight's game was especially important because dark_towhead and ddrpolaris were reprising their original roles since dark_towhead and hntrpyanfar are up from Texas.
*Give my fridge its annual pre-holiday cleansing (it's usually not too bad, but cleaning it yearly helps keep it that way)
And, time permitting, get a start on whatever cleaning and/or cooking I can so it's not all done tomorrow and Thursday afternoon.

Needless to say, time wasn't permitting for that last crap. While all of these chores were known to me in advance, I had once again forgotten something vital:

Sometimes I'm stupid and easily distractable. Also, zombie_dog, this is all your fault.

Anyway, yesterday evening, I was pointed to perhaps the funniest Harry Potter fanfic ever, which is basically an AU of what would happen if Harry had been competent and well-versed in things like physics, psychology, and the scientific method. The first ten or so chapters are hilarious as the authors points out the numerous flaws and inconsistencies of the wizarding world and then plot of awesome takes over.

The fic itself is 60 chapters long and made of gold. Once I started reading it, I couldn't really stop. Which led to me reading until 5:00 this morning. Which led to me sleeping till 1. Which led to...yeah, you see where the subject line comes from, huh?

Basically, I woke up at 1, started cursing because it was so late, flew to my laptop to try to write a class in between pulling up the appropriate recipes and making a list, posted class, flew through the house checking ingredients, showered, dressed, and then hit the grocery store, stopping for lunch on the way. It was three when I got to the store.

It was six when I left. Oy.

In the time I spent shopping, I at least got to outline the basics of how I wanted game to go, and refined that a bit while I brought the groceries in. shogunhb was sent to Oxford to pick up the loaner PS3 as ours STILL isn't fixed, and I started to wash out the fridge since I had to do that before I put the groceries away.

Okay, I admit that I gave some thought to skipping this year's cleaning since our fridge is new, but looking at the shelves and things, I decided to do it right. (Secret: I skipped washing the shelves in the door. Shh! Dun tell). Everything goes well until I'm trying to put away the last crisper drawer. See, our fridge is up against the outside wall of out kitchen (though with appropriate room for airflow), so the fridge door can open, but not more than 90 degrees. Which sometimes makes for difficulties getting things in and out. Like the crisper drawer. I realize I can get just a little more room if I take the front off the lowest shelf in the door, which I do and proceed to try to shove the crisper drawer back into the fucking designated space, even though the fucker came out fine and no, I wasn't getting aggravated at all at this, why do you ask?

And then, not as a result of my totally calm attempts to put the crisper back as my players have all arrived and I haven't even put the food away yet, a GIANT BOTTLE of Frank's Red Hot Sauce falls off the shelf, bounces off my toe, breaks its cap on my floor, and proceeds to spill hot sauce on the front and underside of my fridge.

I was less than amused.

Fortunately, bonisagus was a complete darling and shoo'd me out of my kitchen (I sat at my desk and contemplated drinking heavily), while he cleaned the worst of the mess and dark_towhead put the damn drawer in correctly. Then shogunhb and dark_towhead shifted the fridge some so all the sauce could be cleaned from the floor and the underside. Then I went back and played fridge tetris so all the food would fit before finally sitting down to begin my game.

Right now, our dishwasher is going so we have clean plates and cutlery, our trash and recycling are outside for pickup tomorrow and the sheets are in a heap by the kitchen door so I can bring them downstairs and toss them into the laundry just as soon as the dishwasher finishes.

And even though we finally have a PS3 again which is currently getting all our saved games loaded back onto it, I am going to be good and virtuous tonight and go to bed early, so I can get up tomorrow, make a giant mess while cooking and then start cleaning like a fiend.

scion, why am i dumb?, our house in the middle of our street, friends, holidays

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