*Just a warning to all of my lovely readers out there. If I hear you whining about how hard it is being white, I will have to throttle down my desire to punch you repeatedly in the face. Alternately, I will just throttle you. Ditto with how tough straight people have it, how it isn't fair that all the good parking spaces have handicapped markers, or that women have it so much easier then men.
Seriously. Inna face. I so will.
*Maura Kelly wrote
an article on Marie-Claire's blog to the equivalent of: fat people shouldn't make out on TV. It's gross and no one wants to see that shit.
As yet, my attempts to burn down the internet remain unsuccessful, even though I tried extra hard when I saw the Editor-in-Chief's
response. I particularly enjoyed the part where Kelly and Coles blame Kelly's history with anorexia for her words. Where 'liked' means 'repeatedly facepalmed.'
Grr. Argh. Haaaaaaaaaaaaet. First of all, don't give me your holier-than-thou spiel that fat people are gross and shouldn't make out. I don't want to hear your prejudiced, hateful bullshit that boils down to 'fat people are unworthy of love,' ESPECIALLY when it comes with a heaping pile of condescending, 'because they clearly don't love themselves. If they did, they wouldn't be fat.'
Uhh, no. Fuck you. Hard. In the face.
There is more to obesity than the common belief that fat people sit around all day, stuffing their faces with candy and baked goods. I know plenty of overweight and obese people who diet, exercise, go to their doctor, and try a hundred different things to try to lose weight, with little to no avail. It isn't laziness and it isn't an addiction to junk food. So stop spouting the same privileged bullshit that suggests all obese people are obese because they're just not 'trying hard enough' to be thin. That's hurtful, mean-spirited, and, most importantly, wrong. If you're not willing to put the effort into getting your facts right, YOU HAVE LOST YOUR RIGHT TO SPEAK TO ME. FUCK OFF.
Shaming people about their bodies isn't acceptable, EVEN (le GASP!) when they have the audacity to be heavy. Yes, there are unhealthy lifestyles that lead to obesity. Yes, obesity has severe risks associated with it. Yes, people should strive to be as healthy as they can. BUT SCREAMING, "EW, FAT PEOPLE! GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSS!" DOESN'T ADDRESS ANY OF THOSE PROBLEMS. You know what else is unhealthy? Anorexia. Bulemia. Over-exercise. Believing that you must get thin at any cost. Hating yourself and your body. Obsessing over weight and calories. Believing that all bodies can fit inside cookie-cutter molds and anyone outside that is WRONG.
*So, the other day, after I made my long ranting post of stress and misery, I spent a few hours reading Hyperbole and a Half because it is funny and I needed the lulz. The entry where Allie is upset with Boyfriend for
killing her pet unicorn in a dream really spoke to me, because
shogunhb is always doing stupid shit in my dreams that I have to take him to task for when I wake up. Usually, this is done in the mornings as he leaves for work, so I get the cathartic release of 'WHY YOU GOTTA MELT KITTENS IN THE TUB ALLA TIME' and he gets the amusement of coming home after work and asking me what the hell I said this morning and how does one melt kittens anyway? while I look at him utterly confused and accuse him of making shit up for his own amusement.
Our marriage, it works.
But we did both agree that while carrying emotions over from a dream isn't logical, it is very reasonable. Now the post I'd intended to make ever since I got up this afternoon (pulled an all-nighter on the thesis before y'all get all judgey on me), before I got on the internet and pissed off, was about how I was still sad over what happened in my dream this morning. I was at some fancy house and found a baby out in the snow and brought it in and took care of it. Then it died, while a bunch of us were elsewhere in the house, at some kind of cool concert or something where we were going to remake the Titanic soundtrack. Or The Last Unicorn. I can't remember, but I think it was the Titanic soundtrack because that was stupid, whereas The Last Unicorn's was awesome and remaking it would be a travesty.
Anyway, I woke up all sad and depressed because the stupid baby didn't even have the common decency to live after I put all that time and effort into making it better. Ungrateful, that's what it was.
But now I'm just grumpy and hating everything. I'mma go eat some cilantro to make myself feel better.