Yeah, so my room's actually a force of nature

May 21, 2002 00:45

I was having this great conversation with my Chris the other day. We were discussing my room and my inability to keep the stupid thing neat and tidy. So, after talking about it for about ten minutes (amazingly with no pauses for Queen of the Bed--I still have a lump) we decided that my room is actually entropy in progress. It starts in a state of order and slowly dissolves into chaos. He suggested I call someone from UCONN's science department to come and record this; but I said no. Then they'd have to meet t'other Chris and I'd have to admit he exists. I can't have that, now can I? But anyway, if anyone reading this is interested in entropy (which is both a really fun word and an awesome concept) I'll mail you some pictures of the different states as my room moves towards it. Heehee. Chris said that for his senior thesis he might calculate the probability of me keeping my room clean for a year with me actually living in it. I prefer his previous senior thesis; him trying to calculate the total number of hell points we've accumulated. I'd like to know just how far I'm going into Hell when I die.

Hmmm...I wonder if I could introduce Chris to Jilly-babe's brother. Chris needs a big dose of humility sometimes. Don't get me wrong, he's absolutely brilliant, but sometimes he needs to be taken down a peg or two. And if I can't be the instrument of the pegging, I'd at least like to be the person who made it possible. That would make me really happy. *malicious grin*

On Friday after D&D, I'm going to see about getting Chris, Di and Di's boyfriend Matt together so we can have one big Star wars marathon. Di hasn't even seen the original three yet. *shakes head sadly* For shame, Diana. For shame. So we'll come to my house (granted stupid-Chris will be there, but if we all hide in my room, it may be okay) at around 9:30, watch the original three, go to bed around 5, wake up for 12-ish, see the first one and then catch the matinee of the second one. Then I'll go to work half-dead. What a great plan, no?

oh Di: IthigI ithagam stithagill lithigaughithiging ithgat yithagou. Mmmm...nithigastithgy mithgen; jithigust thithige withigay yithigou lithigike thithigem. Ithigone mithigossithigy tithigooth ithigand ithigall. Do you hate me yet? *laughs hysterically* Ithigour withigaitithiger hithigad ithiga nithigice ithigass. Yithigeah bithigabithigy.

So, chica, you'd better bring Matt to work tomorrow, I wanna meet him.

Speaking of work, today was my first day back at Kohl's in over two moths. It's amazing how quickly I fell back into the routine. Shoot, I was able to get 9 credit apps today, nine in a 5 hour period, and those 5 hours included both a break and my time behind the jewelry counter. Today alone I made an extra $12, yay me! I wonder how much I'll make tomorrow? I'll be working eight hours, but there won't be that sale going on. Hmmm...if I had any math sense at all, maybe I could figure it out. However, I don't. I could possibly write a story about it though.

On the upside, here's an extra $150 for my bills/bank account I wasn't expecting.

it seemed like a good idea at the time, geekery, cool stuff 4 me, friends, money woes

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