Home again, home again...

Mar 29, 2010 13:54

PAX East was really fun. Everyone loved my monkey-pony and by 'everyone', I include Wil Wheaton (who stopped me on my way past his table), Jerry Holkins (who took a lot of pics while the monkey-pony was onstage), Paul and Storm (especially Paul, we chatted since their merch table was right next to JoCo's), random passersby who wanted to take pictures, and, of course, JoCo himself. Quixote (the monkey-pony) even got to go up onstage during Skullcrusher Mountain; JoCo didn't see him, but he was on the big screens to either side of the stage for a few moments, so everyone else did.

It's going to be tough for him, readjusting to regular life after that brush with stardom. I know for a fact that I was noticed at PAX only because of having Quixote on my arm.

PAX was a blast. Most of the time, I was at the merch table, but that didn't stop me from having fun. At one point, the two violinists from the VGO set up shop at the end of their merch table (on the other side of Paul and Storm's) and played the opening music to Chrono Cross in an impromptu concert. Friends stopped by at the table, especially whenever there wasn't a line, and kept us company. During the really awful Rock Band performances at the beginning of the concert, I went back to the table and the Enforcers and I (and fellow booth-babe cthulhia) had a mini-dance concert out in front of the merch tables. Everyone I talked to was incredibly nice (VIPs, Enforcers, and random crowd members), and I got to leave the table when I wished and eat when I was hungry--very different than my first booth babe-ing experience. On the other hand, I got a husband out of that one, so I can't complain too much.

I didn't go see much of PAX beyond the concert (I saw VGO perform and JoCo, and merch-sat during P&S so other people could see them). This was less because I was chained to the table and more because I didn't want to wait in lines for hours to see stuff. In all, I was pretty happy just hanging out with people, chatting with JoCo (who is really nice), and giving Quixote his time to shine.

Now I'm home, still pretty beat (I'm starting to think 3 cons in 3 weeks wasn't a particularly wise decision). My arms and legs are sore, my throat is scratchy, and I'm running a low-grade temp. However, I'm still really glad I had the opportunity to go and if JoCo decides to come back to PAX East 2011, I'm pretty sure he has my email address.

Many thanks to juldea, who made it happen.

These two pics sum up the best of the con for me:


my body hates me, cons, photojournalism, shaughn wins at life

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