I have now shot a gun. FEAR ME.

Nov 21, 2009 02:22

quish took me to her range today and taught me how to shoot. She showed me her .22 and her 9mm and this old guy at the range loaned me his Colt .22 revolver for a few shots. It was...umm...awesome. (and yes, I totally pretended I was Emily Elizabeth while I was shooting his gun. A much less-awesome Emily, but still)

I was very careful and obeyed the rules, which are as follows:

1. Every gun is always loaded. ALWAYS. Treat it as such.

2. Keep your finger off the trigger unless you are aiming or shooting. Carrying the gun? Finger off the trigger. Bringing the gun up to shoot? Finger still off until the gun is pointing in a safe direction.

3. Be aware of your surroundings; bullets go through targets, paper, walls, people...

4. Never point a gun at something you aren't willing to destroy. Never point a gun at someone unless you're willing to kill them.

And, most important:

5. To test how loaded is your gun, check with eyes and hands and tongue. That's right, lick the gun to check if it's loaded. If it doesn't taste loaded, you're okay. quish promised.

Seriously, though, I had a really good time. I found a stance that works for me, I shot a bulls-eye and a bunch of times within the target, and I learned how to load the magazine. I have a long, long, long way to go before I am prepared for the Zombocalypse, but I feel like I took a few very important steps in the right direction.

zombocalypse, cool stuff 4 me, friends

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