On the way to the Brzquishski's last night to watch the Leonids,
shogunhb was remarking that he couldn't see the 'W' that represented Cassiopeia. Being as I'd never seen Cassiopeia or knew what the constellation looked like, I then said that I wasn't sure what the ancients (damn you,
mesmerising, I nearly wrote that with a capital 'A') were smoking, because I couldn't ever see the things that the constellations are supposed to be representing--with the obvious exceptions of the dippers and Orion, of course, and he only gets a bye because of his belt.
The problem is, of course, the lack of stars. Even back in Plainville (where we can see waaaay more stars than here in Worcester), it was always too bright to be able to see all that many. I lived near the center of town and the light pollution made it impossible to see anything dimmer than the medium-bright stars.
Last night, wrapped in blankets and gazing up from the deck (the roof was too slippery because of frost), I glanced up at the sky (which held a ton of stars), I noticed a cluster of stars that kind of looked like the handicap symbol. I point it out to everyone and as I'm showing the stars that make up wheelchair, I realize that the stars that I'm pointing to must be Cassiopeia! I can even see how the five brightest starts make the 'W' that is her constellation. And I just have this moment of wonder...I can look at the same group of stars and see something very similar to what people back in the second century saw. It was...kind of awesome, actually.
For the rest of the night, we referred to her as Wheelchairiopeia because we're made of wrong. It did mitigate the sense of wonder a bit, as it was hard to talk about her without giggling, but still. I felt...kinda of proud. I also found Leo, which was another constellation I'd never been able to find before and showed everyone where the Big Dipper was hiding (behind yet
another tree). I was Queen of Constellations last night.
So, many thanks to quish and purple_dj for letting us use their deck so I could see the stars in a way I had never before.