
May 02, 2009 23:21

So, I'm writing about fandom and making all these claims, and yet, can't find evidence online to back them up. But, they're common knowledge!

For example, I'm making the claim that fans marry and intergeneration fannish families are becoming more common. That almost falls under the "Well, duh" category (I can name at least five friends on my f-list as living, breathing examples of this phenomenon without even trying, including, well, MYSELF. Not that con relationships ever work out, right quish?*) but there are no statistics--that I have found--stating this. I feel very odd making claims without being able to back them up.

Dammit! Anthropologists, start doing more geek-based research!


* Since I do have new readers, I should explain that I do believe that con relationships can work out. I never would have marries shogunhb if I didn't. However, quish did warn me against them soon after shogunhb and I first started dating (after meeting at Worldcon 2004). This is the same girl who told me to punch her if she ever got engaged to purple_dj, which I did, several days before their wedding last summer.

the internet is for [x], why am i dumb?, stupid computer tricks, self-indulgent wankery, clark

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