Questionnaire for class.

Apr 23, 2009 17:37

Please fill this out to the best of your ability. I'll be using this data for class (all names changed, of course) and may come back and ask you to go more in-depth with your answers if you're willing. Please spread word about this; I'd like as many respondants as possible. Don't worry, only I will be able to see the results. However, if you'd prefer to answer anonymously, that's cool, just please make sure there's some way I can contact you if I'd like to get more detail. Feel free to use comments to answer these questions more fully. Comments screened for just that purpose.

EDIT: Please note: when I use the term "gender ideals" I mean gender norms/standards. Sorry for any confusion. Also, "preferred gender" I mean gender you preferentially identify as, not prefer for sexual/romantic/what-have-you relationships.

Poll Gender and Fandom

geekery, welcome to my lj, friends, fandom, it seemed like a good idea at the time, pollsy mcpollsalot, mafia favors, clark

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