
Oct 07, 2004 21:36

Okay, now I see what Claire-chan's talking about with LJ fucking up. Twice now I've tried to respond to astareal's post, and have twice been told that my message was blank. I'm already stressin' the GRE's, here folks, you don't wanna give me another excuse to go buy a handgun!

Oh, and I discovered another reason why the GRE's suck. There's a whole 'nother fee waiver form that I'm supposed to send out along with the ones by my financial aid office. How'd I find out about this sheet? Certainly not from the fucking website, lemme tell you! Nope, fortunately I called the GRE hotline to figure out where to mail my stupid forms (cause the website was a little hazy about that too, and, trust me, the address I mailed it to and the addresses on the site are not the same addresses) and the dipshit lady I talked to slipped up that there was a 3rd form I was supposed to fill out. Later, I had to call back and find out what USA's country code is, cause the only place I could find that might have had it listed was the Adobe version of their 32 page bulletin, which I couldn't read without printing all 32 pages of it. Fotunately, I have since gotten everything filled out, and the fee waiver sent. Now I just sit back and wait for a billion years for it to come in.

Oh and Stef, here's my reply, since LJ's currently too busy sucking at life to post my reply, here it is:
Oh cool, I'm the best man! I'm so flattered! Just so you know, I'm totally hot in a tux. And, and I secretly want to marry you too. You should come to my room and get molested sometimes. You're avoidance of my Love Lair/molestation tactics actually made you miss out on the three days when I had a bag of Twix in my room. See what happens when you try and maintain your personal soverneignty over your own body? You miss out on Twix. I pause and wait for you to absorb this lesson.

amusement factor 12!, stupid computer tricks, uconn, friends, standardized testing is for loserz

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