Dec 16, 2008 20:16
with the economy as it is, it's just easier this way.
Please don't light me on fire for offending your holiday cheer.
Poll Holiday Gift Giving
*GHD (Feb. 2th) is the traditional (amongst my college friends, anyway) non-Christmas giving holiday. Since the winter holidays have a ton of mandatory gifts (family, etc), GHD was when you'd buy for your friends. You'd have more money, less stress, and the opportunity to take advantage of the post-holiday sales. Also, there's no religious overtones to the holiday which could bother/offend/make things difficult.
Poll Emily Post-o-Tron wants to know
EDIT: This isn't about 'obligation.' No one is obligated to buy me anything, and I don't feel obligated to buy anyone anything. Like most people, I don't feel bad about giving something and not getting something back (I don't buy presents expecting reciprocity; that's both stupid and rude). I do know, however, that people can feel uncomfortable if I show up on their doorsteps with a Santa hat and an armload of presents and they have nothing in return. Heck, I feel badly in that situation when I'm not the one in the Santa hat (on gift-exchanging holidays, anyway.) And I don't want to buy someone a present if they are going to be made uncomfortable by it, either because of finances or because they don't consider me on the "Christmas Gifting Tier" on the hierarchy of friendship. And that's totally okay.
And if I have a gift for someone who doesn't want to exchange gifts, that doesn't mean I'm gonna withhold it! In those cases it's usually that I saw something that so-and-so MUST have, and they're getting it, because I want to make them happy. Christmas and gift-giving has never been about what I can get from someone.
This poll and this post is asking "Are you buying me something so I know if I should get you something" but "Are you interested in exchanging gifts this year." Emphasis on exchange. I'm down with baking cookies or giving a mixed CD (except I think most of you hate my music), so it's not even a spending money kind of thing. I just want to know who is interested in this and who is not, so no one is hurt come Christmas morning. Y'know what I mean? When I said "the economy is rough," I meant for everyone not just me.
pollsy mcpollsalot,