I have never seen a more miserable Islay.

Dec 09, 2008 19:08

Seriously, it's enough to break my heart. She's skittish, stand-offish, and in so much pain. Sometimes she lets me curl up with her; right now, she's 'hiding' on the back of shogunhb's desk, looking all doped up and damn pathetic. She keeps trying to get comfortable and failing.

Captain's doing fine, other than a tendancy to lick the incision site. Right now he's curled up on my lap, asleep. Tonight, while he's still a bit subdued, he gets to sleep in here, with us, but tomorrow, we'll probably have to separate them. Islay already growls and hisses at him whenever he gets too close to her. One of us will stay in here and sleep with her, and the other will crash on the couch with him. This way, neither kitten is alone.

I don't like it when my kittens are sad. Not at all!

xomg kitten, doomnation

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