Stuff that sucks for me

Oct 27, 2008 14:16

(Warning: on the off-chance you couldn't tell, this post is a negative one.)

*Undeadjournal. Okay--which one of you yahoos told LJ that I'm terrified of zombies? (All right, this is less 'suck' and more 'moderately amusing').

*LJ comments not getting emailed to me again.

*Still not talking to my mom.

*Still sick, which means I can't meet any of the cute babies who've decided to make an appearance recently. Hi babies! For once, when I say, "Auntie shadowravyn is avoiding you because she loves you," I'm actually telling the truth. Yes, it's a weird sensation for me, too.

*Orange juice, while good for sickness, is bad for my belly.

*Probably not getting better because the antibiotics aren't staying in my system long enough to be effective. That being said--

*I've lost 13 pounds since 10/01.

*I'm going to have to go back on my word, and tell Shirt that I CAN'T do Lunacon programming this year. God, I feel like a failure. I HATE disappointing people, and shoving my responsibilities on their shoulders. But--

*I'm almost certainly going back into the hospital. I've managed to talk shogunhb to let me wait until after the election to go, but that only stands for as long as he thinks I'm doing 'okay.' The minute I demonstrate some potentially 'less-than-okay' behaviors, I'm back in. So, again, if all goes WELL, I'll be in the hospital starting on the 5th. If it doesn't, I could go in at any time. Fuckin' rah.

my body hates me, weighty issues, zombocalypse, friends, self-indulgent wankery, family

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