So Proud...

Oct 10, 2008 16:13

Way to go CT!!!!

I know MA's my home now, but there will always be a chunk of me that considers CT my home. I was born and raised there for the first 22 years of my life, my family and a bunch of my friends still live there, and I still keep an eye on CT's politics. So reading these articles just makes my WHOLE day.

Course, it does just figure that the day I decide to forgo internets for Civ IV is the day major news happens. Le sigh.

I also finally told my godmama to stop forwarding me emails. She's both religious and surprisingly conservative (surprising when considered with the escapades she and my mom used to get up to) and she sends me lots of emails. Usually I ignore them, but today I clicked on the link, and with CT's decision fresh in my mind, I decided I had to respond, rather than continue to ignore it.

My reply:
While I think it's safe to say that we love each other very much, I'm afraid we're on the complete opposite political and ideological spectrum. For example, I think that having two people who love each other very much have every right to marry, regardless of gender. Separate but equal based on race was declared unconstitutional in the 50's, and I'd like to think that's where this country is heading with sexual orientation. While no law can or should be allowed to force churches to marry couples they think are doctrinally wrong, the civil benefits of marriage that this country provides is due to all of her citizens.

But anyway, my email is not actually meant to start a debate with you. I'd like to ask to be removed from the forwarding list. I just prefer not to get emails that state positions I am morally opposed to.

I hope I don't hurt her feelings, as I love her very much, but still...I am consistently moving further and further away from keeping my thoughts and opinions to myself in order to keep the peace. (Y'all are laughing, but it really is something I do.)

linkmeister, rainbow-centerness, family

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