Okay, enough is enough

Jul 10, 2008 11:38

Holy crap has my Lj gotten to be a really negative and depressing place to be lately. "I'm sick, I don't have internets, I wanna do something but can't/I don't wanna do something but have to, I still don't feel well..." Augh.

You all know you're allowed to tell me to shut the hell up and stop whining, right?

Anywho, in an effort to combat all this recent negativity, I'm devoting this post to some of the really good things that are happening in my life right now:

*My Scion game starts in ONE WEEK. I'm so terrified excited. I've never put so much planning into a game--yesterday I bought maps! (Mostly because I suck at geography and will put mountains in the middle of a savannah somewhere). Not being negative is hard!

*I got to play in an Amber game last Monday and a Paranoia game last night, as well as playing Shadowrun these last two Tuesdays, thus satiating my RPG habit.

*Due to Price Chopper's gas deal, I filled up the tank paying $3.52 a gallon.

*I am now a size 9, and was able to fit into a size 8 dress while clothes shopping with juldea. I have bought some new clothes and now can wear things that fit.

*Last night while putting my veil away for quish (she's borrowing my veil! *squee*) I found some of my old bras, including a strapless white one. And, since I got them years ago, they fit now! And are in pretty decent shape, as I only got to wear them for a few months before changing sizes again. (The Freshman Fifteen caught up with me my junior year. With interest. ~_^)

*This is kinda gross, shogunhb is the kind of husband who washes out the bucket after I'm done throwing up into it. Now that's love.

*Almost everyone seems convinced that this was the best Fourth of July party since ever. I'm not sure why it's winning such acclaim, but I'll go with it!

*This post inspired by People Like You.

*I have new books to read, as well as eleven new books to review.

weighty issues, it seemed like a good idea at the time, shaughn wins at life, gaming, party, cool stuff 4 me, friends

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