Since I still don't know when we'll get internet again...

Jun 24, 2008 16:18

Happy, happy birthday to k1ttycat!!

And happy birthday to dark_towhead and learnedaxe who celebrate their natal day tomorrow, to how_low_am_i, and webmonkeyjr on the 26th, kadath and oldest_song on the 27th, and neuromancerzss on the 30th.

In other news, I am outlawing sex in September. Damn there are a lot of you June babies. You're all just lucky you're so damn cute.

Oh, and my father was heard from recently. As of two weeks ago, he was alive, not-incarcerated, and well (well being defined as alive and not-incarcerated, really...) He's still out in MO, or so I hear. He called my mom. He's staying with his old friend Nickerson, whose new girlfriend is a nurse and helped him kick the drugs. Hopefully, they're doing that for Daddy, too. She sounds like a step up from Nickerson's last girlfriend, who was a drug-addled prostitute who died from AIDS recently.

My childhood stories are strictly awesomer than yours...

Still internetless. Going a bit crazy. It's becoming readily apparent just how often I use the 'net; I know I can't sit down and check my email or LJ, but I forget that I also cannot hop on and check something out on Wikipedia or imdb, or buy something on Amazon, or use my Book Collector software... I was very excited last night when I reminded shogunhb that since it was Monday, it was time to download the next Doctor Who episode. He looked at me, saw I was dead serious, then burst out laughing and reminded me we have no net. That we need the net to download stuff just kind of slipped my mind.

My soul will be crushed very soon, I think. Or my sanity. Whatevs.

I also have no games this week. I'm trying to figure out which of the detox symptoms come from that vs lack of the internet.

doompuppy and I debated which of the noble families from George R. R. Martin's Song of Ice and Fire series would our characters belong to. It stemmed from a long and involved discussion about marrying off Miz Waters to the Emperor Norton. Makes complete sense, no? For your delight and edification, I present our list:
Emma- Tyrell
Preacher Sam- Stark (sorry)
Sam Otis/Gideon Sinon- Frey
Dawn- Stark (sorry)
Ali- Frey
Eriola- She'd claim Targaryen, but, really, she's probably just one of mace's crazy-ass wives from beyond the Wall.
Xandessa- Tarth. She and Brienne are clearly related.
Sedgewick- Baratheon
Horace- Lannister (a weaker, though still complete asshole branch)

Jon Snow is not Ned Stark's son. He's Lyanna Stark's bastard son with Rhaegar Targaryen. Her dying words were "Promise me, Ned, promise me!" which I think was shorthand for "Promise me you'll save my newborn, since I'm dying in childbirth and Robert is going around slaughtering every last Targaryen he can get his hands on, and will not hesitate to kill this poor boy if he has an inkling of his parentage."

Y'know, roughly.

Anyway, Dany's going to make her way back, marry Jon (incest is all the rage with the Targaryen's and marrying her nephew is still less creepy than marrying her brother), and use the dragons to combat the ice zombies. Dragon fire > ice zombies.

Of course, before that can happen, a lot more people are going to die/be miserable/go crazy.

I've started my new medication. This is the med that has side effects which may include: lymphoma, liver failure, and a couple of other fun things. I need to watch out for things like excess fatigue, easy bruising, and the yellowing of my skin (and eyes). Other than that eye thing, I've got all the warning symptoms now. Seriously, I sit up at night and count bruises with shogunhb trying to figure out where they all came from. I'm surprised no one at the dr's office thinks he hits me--I mean, they're usually everywhere!

Speaking of shogunhb, he's been just marvelous. He's been fighting with the hospital/pharmacy/insurance to make sure I get all the drugs I need. That you, sweetheart, for being so wonderful.

And, lastly, a cryptic poll. Please fill it out. No, I'm not explaining it--hence, cryptic. Trust me, I know what it means, and the answers don't actually affect you in any way.

Of course, ddrpolaris will likely be able to look at this and instantly realize what it's about. He's completely credulous when I'm not being sneaky ("You have secrets from me?!?!!? How many?!?!" "" "SEVEN?!?!!?"), but as soon as I try something shady, he's all over it. ("I can tell you're planning something.'ve blinked several times in succession, you're wearing blue, and Capricorn is ascendant--you're planning on pushing old, blind ladies into the street again, aren't you?" "How the hell did you know that?!") I'm really looking forward to when shogunhb develops the same ability in the next few years. Then I won't be able to have any fun.

Anywho, to the poll.

Poll I are cryptic!

All right, off to brave the rain and crowds for Taste of Shrewsbury St. Call me if you're around.

not real people, shaughn wins at life, stupid computer tricks, self-indulgent wankery, tophical, standardized testing is for loserz, books, pollsy mcpollsalot, family, birthday wishes, geekery, welcome to my lj, medical malpractice & insurance fraud, my body hates me, crypticism, ramblings

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