And that was the day it rained muffins...

Jun 06, 2008 00:37

I have never cried so hard in a game in my entire life.

Mind you, I cry at books, TV shows, and movies (and in a few memorable instances, commercials), so crying over imaginary people isn't uncommon for me, but...

I don't have almost a year's worth of time, thought, and emotion invested in the aforementioned items. I never wrote speeches for them, or planned for them, or spent time analyzing their characters. And it all came down to the roll of dice.

5d12, I hate you!! Oh, and you, too, devil. Totally hate the devil.

Tonight was a fabulous night for role-playing. I wish I'd had a tape recorder to catch it all. It was raw, it was painful, it was honest...basically, it was glorious. Toph agrees with me. (Just to say, dark_towhead, it still would have been awesome if he'd lived there at the end. Y'know, after all the really good role-playing went down. I'd've been okay with that.)

Eli died tonight. He'd been nearly killed by the slombies, and ddrpolaris failed his Lay on Hands roll. Okay, he didn't actually fail the roll itself, he just didn't get the extra four successes needed to compensate for the devil running around and being a jack-ass. So, the devil offers to heal Eli, and of course the Preacher's like, "No, no, get thee behind me, Deceiver." So the devil turns to Emma and asks if she'd like him to save Eli. Of course, she says yes, and the devil exults in getting two souls for the price of one. (He made sure she could hear the bargain, but (un)surprisingly, didn't let her hear the gloating.) So, Eli gets all healed and stuff, except he's now catatonic; shockingly, the devil doesn't play fair.

So, I'm already kinda torn up at this point (see the bit about crying over imaginary characters above). But it gets good when the Preacher comes in and they argue about what she's done and if it's worth it. "Okay, so the devil promised me he'd live, but I'm supposed to just give up on him now, on the hope that the devil will let his soul free and I can earn mine back. Your god is cruel and he sucks." (Muchly paraphrased). There was a long, intense discussion about that--ddrpolaris and I really got into it and hashed it out. Em wasn't going to back down from the "some life is better than none" party line without one hell of a fight. (Sorry, doompuppy for taking up so much game time.)

While ddrpolaris may not know the Bible, or how to make God sound like not an asshole, he knows Em, or, at least, how I play her, and made some damn good arguments. He got cruel, it got ugly, and it worked. By this time, we were already pretty bruised emotionally, but we couldn't just stop there, so they trooped across the street to the chapel to try and get the souls back.

It actually worked. There was one moment when Eli was responsive (the devil had trapped his soul in some kind of limbo, I think). He woke up, squeezed Emma's hand, she told him she loved him (which was something she'd've sworn up and down wasn't true at the beginning of game. Sure, she liked him fine, was kind of sweet on him, but love? For suckers and little children), he said he loved her, too, and then he died.

Then she sassed the devil and kicked him out of her soul. The devil is a total douche-bag, in case you were wondering. Fortunately, Em's a cold bitch when she wants to be. And she reeeeeeeeeally wanted to be one right then.

I cried through most of the game session; not sobbing, just tears rolling down my cheeks. If there had been a happy ending (yay, God performed a miracle!), it would have been the best rpg experience of my life. Hell, it might still be, I've got to wait a bit and sort things out. Either way, it's pretty high up there.

However, dark_towhead, this does not mean you're off the "To Kill" list. In fact, you now have a higher multiplier than Hellstromme. And, if I didn't like you so damn much I'd hate you right now. In fact, there may be a little, tiny, bitty part of me that does right now. But it's pretty much drowned out by the rest of me that's cheering you on for a damn good game.

Even if you are a big, mean jerkhead. So there.

not real people, doomnation, gaming, geekery, self-indulgent wankery, tophical, death is not the end, saddities, ramblings

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