Lunacon craziness

Dec 15, 2007 02:16

Okay folks, Lunacon prep is swinging into high gear. Which is fortunate, since there's nothing else that's going on around this time and I was getting worried that I'd perish from boredom. Now, I know there are a bunch of you that have volunteered to help me, and a few others who have been 'volunteered' by me. Can I get a roll-call of people interested and onboard, so I can figure out what needs to be done, who can have access to it, and when would be a convenient time for us to meet?

Also, if I've approached you for something else Lunacon-related (like zrealm for gaming and juldea for JoCo [who still hasn't contacted me back...]) could you also let me know? I'm starting to forget things. Old age and whatall.

Also, this will be an excellent post to let me know if a) you're planning on coming to Lunacon (March 14-16) even if you're not 100% sure if you're going to make it, b) if you have reserved a room and for how long, c) how many people you'd be willing to room with, and d) if you have already registered or not.

Pardon, I must go and crazify elsewhere. I've got a Master's Prospectus to write.


cons, friends, lunacon, herding cats

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