I hate good-byes

Mar 27, 2007 13:50

So, as many Lunacon-related people already know, we lost David Honigsberg today from a massive heart attack. I didn't know David very well, although we did chat about music once or twice at Lunacons past, and I always enjoyed listening to his acoustic concerts. He was a rabbi, a musician, and an all-around good guy. HIs last LJ entry was a joyful announcement that the Jewish Theological Seminary will open their doors to qualified gay and lesbian rabbinic and cantorial candidates. He was so full of life and energy that it's hard for me, little more than a by-stander in his life, to believe he's gone. My deepest sympathies go out to his wife, Alexandra, his family, and his many, many friends and companions.

Assuming that Alex okays it (and I won't be asking for a while, since I'd rather chew off my own face than intrude on her grief) there will be a tribute panel to him at Lunacon '08. He gave a lot of his time and effort to our convention, and I'd like to see him remembered for it.

death is not the end, cons, saddities, friends, lunacon

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